never grow up

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Johnny Gargano took a deep breath in.

Maybe this wasn't the right time?

He groaned, shaking his head.
Who was he kidding? He was so deeply in love with her and he had to do this.

"Johnny?" He spun his head back towards Candice, smiling. "Oh, hey."

Candice was heading to Japan the next day on New Years Day.

It was 11:45 and Johnny had planned a romantic proposal, giving her puzzle pieces which completed a puzzle which would read 'Will you marry me?' 

He heard Candice zip up her suitcase to pack a few more things. "Erm..Candice?" She perked up. "Yeah?" Johnny brought her into a kissing, Candice's eyes opened in surprised only to flutter shut as she felt her lips against his.

She brought him closer, they slowly walked as they continued to kiss, stumbling into their drawer. "Shit." Candice murmured, shutting her eyes and wincing. "Did you hear anything fall?" She asked. "No." Johnny replied.

"So did you catch my attention only to kiss me?" Candice asked with a smirk on her lips. "Yes and no." He answered, holding her hand and bringing her to the edge of their bed. "Sit, this may have some explaining to do." 

She sat, curious at what he was gonna do.
He grabbed the wooden box, smiling at her. "Don't open this until you get to Japan," He placed the box into her hands. "Open one per day." Johnny instructed Candice.

"And what does the puzzle make?" She asked. 
"You'll see once you finish it." Johnny told her, causing Candice to raise an eyebrow. "Just trust me." He whispered, kissing her forehead before leaning into her ear and whispering.

"Oh and happy new year."

It was 12:00 AM.

2016 had just started. "This year'll be two years of us dating." She pointed out smiling and leaning into Johnny. "I love you." She whispered, giving him a quick kiss. Johnny started to blush, becoming flustered before kissing her back. "I love you too, so much."


"I'll see you in a week." 

Goodbyes at the airport were always quite awkward. "Remember the puzzle." Johnny added, causing Candice to smile. "Believe me, I'm so curious I won't forget it the entire trip," She giggled. "Curiosity killed the Candice." They both laughed. 

"And don't cheat, promise me that? One piece per day." Candice nodded. "I promise." 

They kissed once more before giving each other a hug. 
"Bye, have a good time in Japan, I love you."
"I love you more, bye."

Candice took one last look at Johnny who smiled at her before walking into the airport.
She took a seat next to Joey Ryan, one of her best friends. 

"Jo-weeeee." She said in a sing song voice, placing her head on his shoulder. "Someone's tired." He pointed out. "Gargano keep you up all night?" Joey asked with a wink, the sleaze off the question oozing. 

"Joey!" She laughed, whacking his shoulder. "Speaking of Johnny," She begun, opening up her backpack to take out the wooden box.

"What's in there?" He asked, looking at the box. "Johnny gave it to me before New Years Day, he explained to me 'There's puzzle pieces that build up a puzzle, open up one piece per day.' " 

"Well then, what're you waiting for? Open the first piece." Candice whacked his hand away from the box. "He specifically told me not to open it until we got to Japan." Joey leaned back, groaning. "This isn't even my puzzle and my curiosity is already killing me, just open it, he won't know."

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