how you get the girl. (1)

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Candice LeRae rested her chin in her palm, trying to hold back a yawn. She was in Mr. Regal's class, trying to keep her eyes open for the last couple minutes of the class. She scribbled hearts on the corner of her page, trying to keep herself awake. 
She looked back at the clock....15 minutes left. She rolled her eyes and put her head down, hoping Mr. Regal wouldn't see. 

"Miss LeRae!"

Candice instantly perked up, panic in her eyes. "This seems to just be nap time to you so tell me...what is the average atomic weight of silver.."
She bit on her lip. What the hell is atomic weight? 
Panicked, she flipped through her notes and pretended like she knew what she was doing, praying the bell would ring. "It's..uhh..umm.."

"The answer is 107.9, sir."

She turned around, staring back into the eyes of Johnny Gargano. She gave him a soft smile and mouthed the words 'thank you.' 
He just stared back at her, eyes wide and his mouth hanging just a little open. "Thank you...Mr. Gargano..." Mr. Regal muttered just as the bell rung. Candice let out a breath of relief, grabbing her backpack and heading towards her best friend, Tommaso Ciampa's class.

"And then she smiled..she smiled right at me, guys!" Johnny Gargano was clutching on his chemistry textbook with his left hand, describing the scene to his best friends, Chuck Taylor and Trent Beretta. "Believe it or not but I think this is just one step closer to actually talking to her!"
Chuck raised an eyebrow towards his friend. "Can't you just talk to her right now, I mean it's the perfect time to do so." Johnny stopped dead in his tracks, looking back at his friends. "You're a genius, Chuck!" He quickly shoved his textbooks into his backpack but holding onto his notes "I'll meet you guys at the student lounge!" He walked alongside the path, hoping to bump into Candice. This was it, he was finally going to talk to the girl he's liked for a while now. 
The girl...Candice.
Princess Candice.

He slowed down his pace, sucking on his lip realizing this was a bad idea. He couldn't talk to her...what was he even supposed to say? She probably got dozens of boys tripping over their feet to impress her...this was just something she got on the daily...what was he thinking?
He started to turn back and run, not realizing he was bumping into somebody. "Woah!"

His notes went everywhere, scattered across the floor. "I am SO sorry..I had no idea where I  was going and I--"
When he grabbed another piece of paper he looked up to see Candice's face, grinning back at him. "You're good, Johnny.." She giggled, picking up all his papers and he stood there stunned. "besides, I kinda deserved it after you saved my ass back there in Chem.." She handed him all his papers, tucking a piece of hair behind her hair and smiled. "Thanks for that by the way!" 
He was speechless, his mouth turning dry and he wished he could of something to say, anything..but he couldn't. "I..Errr..." He whimpered and quickly ran off.

"What was that?" Tommaso Ciampa met up with Candice. "I'm not I that intimidating?" She asked her best friend. "Nah.."
Candice just smiled at the boy who was now going back into the school. "I'm sure he was just shy because believe're as intimidating as a puppy." Candice rolled her eyes and began walking home.


"How'd it go, Prince Charming?" Johnny leaned his head against the vending machine inside of the student lounge and sighed. "The only thing I said to her was me apologizing..." He paid for a water and a bag of skittles. "Oh god, what'd ya do?" Trent asked
"I ran right into her and she started a conversation with me and..." He buried his face into his hands. "..anddd?"
"I just kept blubbering like a baby and then ran away.." Chuck placed a comforting hand on his friend's back, rubbing it. "There's always next time, John Boy." He sighed, leaning back into the couch, he took out one of his sketchbooks and started to sketch a doodle of how Chuck was sitting with his soda, munching on his skittles.
He tried his best to ignore the moment but just couldn't, he put his sketchbook away, put his pencil behind his ear and got up. "I'm gonna walk home." He declared as his friends followed him. "We'll be right behind ya."

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