how you get the girl (2)

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Johnny walked up the school steps, looking back at his friend's who were talking to each other. "You guys ready to study?" He asked, excitingly. Chuck and Trent just smiled, giving Johnny a thumbs up.
They hated studying but Johnny loved it.
And they loved Johnny so they were willing to spend a few hours studying for the sake of it.  "Oh! Johnny! I think the Baking Club is selling some cake pops this morning, can we stop for them?" Chuck brought up, rushing towards Johnny's side.
He thought for a moment, looking down at his stomach. He did skip breakfast and was feeling a bit hungry..and everyone knew you couldn't study on an empty stomach. "Sure, why not?" 

Chuck and Trent cheered, running ahead of Johnny. "Follow us, Johnny! There's gonna be a long line." Johnny ran to catch up hoping no teachers would catch him and his friend's running through the halls. They quickly stopped in the Home Ec class, a small line forming as the trio joined it. "What kind of flavor are the cake pops anyway?" Johnny questioned, looking at Chuck. "I dunno man, go look at the sign." 
And he did, looking back at the sign that read. 
"Oh! It's Orange Creamsic..woah." He let out a small gasp, looking from the sign to see Candice who was selling the cake pops. Johnny caught her eye and smiled at how her face lit up, grinning and waving at him. Johnny waved back, returning the grin. "Ahh..ahh..I see you there, John Boy..." Trent murmured, poking Johnny in the shoulder who broke eye contact with Candice to whack Trent. Trent giggled leaning into Chuck. "We're next up!" Chuck hissed.

They went up to the table, all smiles. "Hey, guys!" Candice chirped, waving again at Johnny and his friends. "Hey! Uhm...these look amazing! Orange Creamsicle is my favorite!" He said in a rush and smiled awkwardly.
If he could kick himself in the shin he would, staring back at his friend's who handed Candice three dollars as she gave them the cake pops. "Thank you!" Trent smiled, handing the cake pops to his friends. Candice got up, leaning over the table to talk to Johnny. "So...Gargano, Why are you here so early?" She smiled, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear. "I was...gonna study for Mr. Cena's test today with err...Chuck and Trent." He still found himself becoming nervous around Candice and often muttered and stumbled over his words. "Oh! That's right...his tes--oh shit." Her face fell, looking behind Johnny. It was Mr. Maverick and she had another tutor session this morning but she had purposely skipped out on it.

Johnny looked behind him to see Mr. Maverick, a teacher waiting in line. "Mr. Maverick?" Johnny questioned, looking back at Candice who looked panicked. "Tommaso, I'm gonna go to the library to study with Johnny...and also because I don't wanna get busted by Maverick...see ya in Home Ec!" She said in hushed whisper, grabbing onto Johnny's wrist and running towards the library.

"You're joining us?!" Johnny questioned, running along with her. "Sorry!" She responded, opening up the doors to the library and shoving Johnny and Chuck and Trent all in at once. Johnny caught his breath, leaning on Chuck who was leaning on Trent. Candice smiled at the trio who were panting. "Sorry, you three okay?" She asked and they all looked at each other and nodded. 
"We're good!"

Candice let out a breathy laugh, starting to head to the tables in the library as the boys followed. Johnny appeared giddy, looking back at Trent and Chuck who exchanged looks with each other. "Great, this is like his biggest fantasy that he thinks about late at nigh--" Chuck muttered causing Johnny to cover his mouth, nervous that Candice might overhear. Trent snickered, breaking apart his best friends. 

Candice jumped on a bean bag chair, trying to giggle quietly but failing. "Shh!" Mr. Hart shushed at her, putting a finger to his lips. "Sorry!" She whispered, back. She sat down at the table with Johnny and his friends.
It was clear who took studying seriously and who didn't, Chuck and Trent playing tick tac toe and table football while Johnny looked attached to his book but instantly perked up when Candice sat next to him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2020 ⏰

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