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"Here is your winner...Aleister Black!"

Johnny laid there, angry and saddened.

He's lost too many times now, too many times and he was sick of it, maybe he wasn't good enough. The crowd cheered for Aleister as he stood over Johnny.

Johnny's emotions were running wild, he was so tired of losing and it was his fault that he was losing. He was tired, he didn't wanna let the fans down. He wasn't good enough.

It was Wednesday, and The Garganos were setting their house up for Christmas so as soon as they arrive home from Idaho with Candice's family, their house would be festive and in the holiday spirit.

"Which tree do you like?"

The pair were holding hands, walking down the aisles and aisles of Christmas trees. "I dunno, haven't really looked at the trees, just been," He let out a soft sigh. "Soaking in the moment." Candice kissed his shoulder. "You're so sappy, but so am I." He smiled back at her, noticing a tree in the backround. "That's a good tree." He pointed at the tree. "Do you like it?" He asked. "Love it, it's the one."

Johnny wore a smile, something he hadn't wore in a very long time.

It was always Candice that made him smile and make him feel special even in the darkest times of his life. Candice was placing their special ornament on the tree, he watched her as she smiled, carefully setting it on the tree. "How do you always do that?" Johnny asked. She looked down at her husband, laughing. "Put an ornament on a tree?" She asked, confused. ", make everything better." Candice blushed, insanely flattered at the compliment out of nowhere, not that she was complaining. "Oh stop it you.." She muttered, kissing the top of his head.

"Who's gonna put the dinosaur on our tree this year?" Johnny asked. "Let's switch it up this year," She grabbed the dino. "Both of us, after the year we had, we both deserved it." He smiled at her, smiling in agreement. They reached up at the top of the tree, together putting the topping on top. "Ta-daa!" Candice said in a sing-song voice. "There he goes, back again watching over us in his humble abode." Johnny said before laughing.

Johnny laid his head in Candice's lap, Christmas music playing softly in the backround.

"Everything alright?" She asked, looking down at his face. "My mind's been all over the place these past few weeks and to spend this time and have this moment with you, it means a lot." Candice smiled. "Speaking of that, how's your mental state?" Johnny stared off into space. "It's uhh...not very good for the most part, I just feel like I let everybody down with every lost every let down, maybe I'm just not good enough, you know?" He stared into her eyes. "I'm beating myself up a lot, maybe a bit too much."

"Johnny.." She whispered. "Sorry." He simply said, not wanting her to feel sad. "Don't be sorry, Johnny I'm here for you, I'll always be here for you, you are enough, you're Johnny freakin' Wrestling, you'll come back better than ever, you're not letting anybody down, Johnny, you're enough." He smiled at her as she kissed him. "Tell you what, I'll allow you to open an early Christmas present." Johnny sat up. "Candice, It's not even Thanksgiving yet." Johnny pointed out. "Are you saying no to an early present?" She asked. "No, no, no, I'll open the present, I'm a bit surprised you got me a present before Thankgiving." Candice went into the other room, to get the present. "I'm just very thoughtful when it comes to gifts." She called out from their bedroom.

"Here you go." She handed him a box, a plain white one with his name doodled on it with a heart.

Johnny 🖤

Johnny opened it, slowly taking away the tissue paper to reveal a pair of Mickey Ears. He gently placed the box away and admired the ears. "Babe, I already have Mickey Ears." He laughed. "Their not yours silly, it's for our baby." Candice grinned.

It took Johnny a moment or two before putting the words through his head.

it's for our baby.

"You're...?" Candice nodded, tears filling her eyes as Johnny smiled in shock. "Oh my god, Candice." He rushed up, hugging her. "We're gonna be parents?" He whispered, tears falling down his cheeks. She nodded. "I love you so much," Candice whispered in his ear, hugging him tightly. "So so much."

"I love you too."

She took his hand, leading him to the bathroom and showing him the multiple pregnant tests. "You took a ton." Johnny said, wiping a tear away from his eyes. "I wanted to make sure I was 100% pregnant." She met his lips in a kiss again. "We're gonna be parents, Johnny." He smiled at Candice. "I'm so happy." He confessed. "Me too, I love you, future parent." Candice smiled, kissing his forehead. "I don't think it's hit me yet that I'm gonna be a dad." Johnny whispered. "The best dad."

"I love you."

"I love you lots."

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