Fault [06]

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(Y/n) (L/n)
She bid goodbyes to Michael before running towards Mama, who was waiting for her. She jumped towards her greeting her Mother with a hug.
"Hi Hun, hows school?" She asks holding her and while walking home.
"It was good, I answered my exams correctly. I think" she muttered the last part.
"That's good." Irena smiled, "So, are you ready for Halloween?" Her mother asks smiling over her daughters words.
"U-huh, I'm going out as Batgirl! Lets see what Batgirl can do!" she do a kick on the air imagining bad guys coming to get her.
"Oof-thanks Mama!"  she grinned playfully. Her mother let out a sigh of relief, she caught her little girl before she nearly trips on the ground.

4:30 pm

She examined her costume at the mirror, she raised her fist proudly like a child would.
"Heh, not bad for me." she smiled. She imagine how she wears it, even its still on the hanger.
You fixed your hair up into a pony style, just need to eat your dinner and ready to go.
'Hey, it really won't be so bad, right?' you smiled proudly.
(y/n) was curios what will Michael would wear at the day of the dead.
She hope she will see Cynthia again just not Judith.
"(Y/n)?" the door opens to reveal Irena. "Mama?"
"Your father  need to buy some candies, Elizabeth is joining her. You want to come with them?"
Irena asks her old child. She shook her head. "Nope."
(Y/n) follows her Mother, she run down stairs seeing her father and her young sister hopping at the car.
"I'll just help you cook, Mama." she smiled softly. Irena shakes her head ruffling her hair gently.
"Okay (Y/n).
The mother and the child went to the kitchen she grab some ingredients and put it on the table.
"Were making (f/f) tonight." Irena declared with a grin.
"Yes!" (y/n) hopped, happily.
Ding Dong Ding Dong
"That's must be your Papa, he had forgot to bring his wallet again." Irena chuckled making her way upstairs to get  her husbands wallet.
"I'll open the door Mama!" she yelled.
Irena went back to their room, "Harold, why must you have forgot to bring it? You silly man." she giggles. Looking at the lamp table. "H-huh?" she asks in disbelief, He always forgot his wallet on the lamp table, and she didn't hear a car's engine.
"Wait, (Y/n)-"
The little girl fixed her glasses, she quickly turned the knob.
"Pap--" her smile disappeared seeing Wesley Rhodes at the doorstep. "What are you...?" she looks down to see a caliber on his hand, she noticed his hands are shaking.
Something metal was pressed on her abdomen area. She look slowly at him. Something fired at her abdomen part, her body flew on the table made of glass. It breaks into pieces. Wesley's eyes widen. "Oh f-fuck!" he hissed before running away.
(Y/n) groaned in pain, she reach her little hands where it was been shot. She couldn't scream, tears falls down at her eyes.
"(Y/n)!?" Irena screamed, tears starts to build up on her eyes.
"HELP! HELP! SOMEONE! PLEASE!!" Irena screamed, sobbing she touch her baby's cheeks trying not to hurt her.
"(Y/n)? Hun?" she sobbed, finally someone called her help.
"M...M-michael." she whispered before blacking out.

A/n: alright, first of all. The scene where she was shot part  was from Batman: Killing Joke. Because... Uh... its Awesome? But there's a slight twist on the story. Just a little bit twist.
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