Chapter 2-Unseen Bond

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Night came fast.It was cold and Spyro had left his window to his bedroom open.Of course he didn't mean to,but Chip seemed like he was freezing.Spyro layed next to him."Cold buddy?"the dragon asked.Chip nodded at the dragon slowly.Spyro flew over to his window and closed it.It still seemed a little chilly."It's still c-cold..."Chip stuttered.Spyro was pretty cold himself,but he didn't mind.Chip felt Spyro.He was warm,so Chip layed against him.
"You're warm..."said Chip as he started to doze off.Spyro smiled and layed his head down on his bed.The two had formed a pretty good bond since they met.Spyro liked Chip,but he knew that he wouldn't be around forever.The bond they made would though.It was a weird noise that came from downstairs.Spyro got up and Chip fell over."Oh,sorry pal.I'll be right back."Spyro said as he jumped off the bed and went downstairs.There he saw his friend Popfizz on the couch.
The two looked at each other for a second."Pop,what are you doing?"asked Spyro."I was tired,so I figured I'd crash at your place."replied Pop.Spyro nodded and went back upstairs.Chip had fell asleep on a pillow.The dragon went back to sleep on his bed next to chip.The night was quiet.

Sonic and Friends Pov

Tails and Sonic were utterly confused on what to do to get chip back.Sonic was pacing around the room.Tails was also pacing around."Sonic...I need an idea..."said Tails.Sonic kept on pacing.Tails sighed.He had sent their little buddy to an unknown place and he didn't know what to do.He tried getting Sonic's attention again."Sonic.Sonic...sonic!"Tails yelled.Sonic finally looked up at the fox."Yeah?"Sonic replied.It was late at night."I might have to make another machine."said Tails.Sonic nodded."I'll do anything I can to help out little bro."Sonic said than he smiled.The fox looked around the workshop."I have most of the parts I need already...I just need a few more."said Tails.Sonic was ready to speed off to get the parts but Tails suggested that he went in the morning.The two spent the night talking and just spending good time with each other.They told each other about times where they did their own things.It was good night for them,but they still missed Chip.Tails knew that he'd be able to get him back to them somehow,but he just needed the time.

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