Chapter 17-Execute Plan Alpha

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After a sequence of events,their plan was ready to be put into motion.Gabriel finished making the robot,and everyone was able to get into one limb of it,with Gabriel controlling the entire thing."Alright gang,let's do this." he said as if he we a captain.They managed to get the robot outside.It was pretty big,but they managed to get around.The next thing they had to do was get to their destination."I wonder how the others are doing."said Spyro.
Tails looked over at him in his general direction,but he didn't say anything."We're almost there,so be ready for anything." Gabriel said with a smirk on his face.

Around 15 minutes later...

"We're here." Gabriel said as they continued to travel in the robot.It was the giant place with the giant antenna on top,which was controlling the robots.The team took their robot around the back and got out.Gabriel pulled out a slip of paper and a bag.Inside the bag was around 10 pieces of spy gear.They were receivers,so If someone said something,they'd all know.Gabriel handed one to everyone,than showed them the paper."Here's the plan."he said.

*Me and Nana will search the main lobby for anything useful.
*Tails will take the vents to get to the main camera room.
*Camo and Spyro will find their way to the main control room.One of the two will report back to the main lobby after they're done.

"Sounds simple enough."said Spyro."This place isn't too complex is it?"asked Tails.Gabriel pulled out another bag.This one had three tablets inside.He gabe one to the three groups."These will have a map of the entire place.There's 5 floors,so If you want to check each one,just press it's corresponding button."said Nana."Alright,let's do this."said Spyro.The three groups separated and made their way into the building.It was very dark and quiet,which made the entire place creepy.Tails was the first one to start talking."Uh..any idea how to get into the vents?" he asked."Gabriel started to talk as well."Use the wrench,but be careful.It can be loud."he said.
Tails pulled out the wrench."Here goes nothing."He pulled back and swung with the wench,and left a devastating blow on the vent.It shattered and Tails crawled in.

Meanwhile with Spyro and Camo

"Hey Camo,it looks like a robot's coming."he said."Where?" said Camo as Spyro pointed to a small red dot moving towards them.It had a red beam coming out from it's eye and it had a certain range.
Camo and Spyro hid around the corner."Hey uh guys..there's a robot and it has a certain field of view.I suggest staying away from it."said Spyro.Nana started to talk."Gotcha."she said.The robot reached the end of the hall.It was in the middle of Camo and Spyro.
Spyro started to flap his wings to get above it.He grabbed it's head and twisted it,destroying it.He seemed pleased with himself."I think I found an easy was to defeat these guys.Just attack their head and you should have it in the bag."said Spyro.Camo seemed shocked at first,but he went on with the plan.A while later,they reached the control room.

Meanwhile...with Tails...

"These vents sure are dusty..."the fox said as he continued to climb through them.He could feel his arm hurting him a bit.He didn't mind it that much,but he didn't really know where he was going.It was a little boring for him,until he fell through a vent that was rusty.He ended up back in a similar hall,but when he got up,he saw the words "Camera Room" next to a door."Haha!Nailed it."he said to himself.As he was going to head inside,he heard a robot on on his left coming.He pulled out the wrench."Hey,hold this for me!"he said as he threw the wench at full force, right at the robot's head, and lodging it there."Wow,that was easier than I thought."he said as he went to retrieve the weapon.After he did,he made his way to the camera room.

Meanwhile with Gabriel and Nana..

"I think the others made their way to their objective."said Nana.
"That's good,but there's nothing here.Alright guys,just make your way here after turning that antenna off."said Gabriel."Copy that."said Spyro and Tails.Spyro flipped the antenna's switch and headed for the door.When he entered the hall though,it was bad.A yell was heard.Camo noticed that the tablet and his headpiece was on the ground.Camo was now scared.
"Spyro's...gone..."said Camo as his legs shook a bit."That's not good...I'll look for him on the-" the fox wasn't able to finish his sentence.A small groan came from him than he wasn't heard from again in the headset."I think something's here and it's separating us."said Nana.After a while,a yell was heard from Nana and than Gabriel,as If they we caught by something.Camo was the only one left.He heard some noise coming from the main lobby,so he decided to head there.On his way,he found the Hydra Wench on the ground and picked it up."I hope this can help in some way.."he said to himself.
When he made it to the lobby,he saw his friends in cage,hung by the ceiling.There was a robot there too,much bigger than all then all the other that had some symbols on it.Camo pictured it as the "Lead Robot".Spyro noticed Camo in a doorway.He saw that he had the wench and he had no other choice but to attack.However,he saw that the robot had a voice.It seemed to know Gabriel and Nana.
"I just can't believe you two."it said.Gabriel seemed mad."We can't believe you!You're our father and you turned to domination?!"he yelled.Camo was shocked.Their father had betrayed them?It seemed so.Nana was heartbroken."Why did you do this father..."she said,trying not to cry."It was for the greater good."He said.Camo had enough.He swung the wench in the air a couple of times.It didn't do anything until a spirit like dragon appeared and attacked the robot.While their dad was distracted,Camo decided to act and get his friends free.He threw the wench towards them and Gabriel told them to duck.It broke through the bars and the group started to fall towards the ground.They landed safely though."That's..your father?"Camo asked."Sadly.."said Nana."He's gone crazy and let power go to his head."Gabriel said.The robot was going to explode soon.Tails only saw one way out."We've gotta get to the roof."he said."Well what are we waiting for?Run!"said Gabriel.

They ran as fast as they could until they got to the roof.


We made it.."said Tails.The group went over to the edge of the roof.It was very high up.Nana looked over at Tails and so did Camo."Alright guys,we have to jump."said Tails."It's the only way we'll make it.Do you trust me?"asked Tails."I think...I hope you have a plan.."said Gabriel.Then they jumped.While they decented,the same spirit like dragon flew into the air to help them.It took them down safely than disappeared."Thank you...spirit dragon.."said Tails.A thing had hit Nana."'s gone now..but all the robots are also gone.."she said."Let's go up to the corridors.I'm sure we can get you guys home now..."She continued.

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