Chapter 7-An Explanation

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After the group returned,Spyro wanted to have a talk with Tails and Chip.Sonic seemed to be missing,but Tails assumed that he was alright.Spyro noticed that the door to his house was already open.He thought that someone had already went in after coming back from somewhere.He thought of Camo,but the dragon didn't leave the house at all.Tails didn't want to make himself seem suspicious.He knew that he opened that door.The group went inside and sat down to rest.The purple dragon wanted to talk to Tails,but the fox wanted to talk to Chip.Spyro yawned,but than he started to ask Tails a question.
"How'd you get here Tails?"asked the dragon."I made a machine in my lab.A teleporter in fact.It was tested by Chip and he ended up here.After that little accident,I made another one to go after Chip.I didn't know that it would take him to a place like this..." said Tails.He felt ashamed.Spyro comforted him."Don't feel bad.Your friend is here safe and sound with us skylanders!"said Spyro.Than there was a knock on the door.The dragon went to answer it as Chip flew over to Tails slowly.They gave each other a little fist bump.Spyro opened the door and was attacked.He dodged it though.Tails heard the attack coming and jumped out of the chair,bringing Chip with him.

Kaos was back again.Spyro didn't know why,but there must've been a reason why he kept attacking him and his friends.It was silent for a while.Than the dragon charged at Kaos,only to be hit with some dark energy ball that knocked him across the room.Tails didn't know what to do.He didn't even know who that guy was!He grabbed Chip,who yelped as soon as he did,and ran upstairs.Kaos started to follow as he laughed in an evil manner.Tails hid behind the door and when Kaos came in looking for him,He hit him on his head with a book,nocking him to the ground.Tails ran downstairs and saw Spyro,hyperventilating.
The fox shook him,but nothing happened.Chip was let go,to fly on his own as Tails gathered the strength to pick the dragon up.He continued to breath rapidly,so Tails snagged some water from the kitchen before leaving the house.Once they were outside,Tails put Spyro down on some grass and sat him up.He was still hyperventilating,so Tails took out the water.He handed it to him than ran inside the house.
He came out with a brown paper bag.Spyro had drank some of the water,but he was still breathing so fast.Tails put the bag over his mouth and nose.He told him to just breathe.He did."It's alright... You'll be fine..."said Tails.Spyro continued to breathe.He started to feel better.Tails began rubbing his back.He thought about what to do next...

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