Chapter 3-Tour Of Skylands

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The next day,Spyro woke up and yawned.He got up and leaped off his bed.When he landed on the floor,Chip woke up."Oh,sorry buddy.Did I wake you up?"Spyro asked.Chip shook he head and started to fly.He landed on the dragon's head.Spyro smiled.Then they went downstairs.Spyro was hungry.Chip wanted to explore the house.So Spyro went to find something to eat as Chip looked around the house and saw things that he was confused about.He went to the dragon in the kitchen."Hey Spyro,why is all this random stuff around the house?" asked Chip.Spyro already knew what he was talking about."Oh." he said."My friends also live here so that's their stuff lying around the place."spyro continued.Chip smiled.Spyro figured that Chip was hungry too.He had found some cookies in the cabinets.It wasn't breakfast,but the two didn't mind.After a while,Spyro managed to get the idea of taking Chip on a tour through Skylands to get to know the place better.The dragon grabbed Chip and rushed out the door.Chip was very confused."Chip,I've got a really cool idea!Let's go on a tour through Skylands!It'll be fun!"said Spyro as he ran with Chip on his back.Chip didn't reply.He just laughed.Than Spyro jumped off the ground and started to fly.Chip was spooked a bit,but he was fine.Spyro flew to the many places in Skylands and told Chip about them.He seemed happy to teach him about something.

Later,they arrived at the falling forest.Spyro didn't mean to end up here." looks like we've ended up here after we looked at almost everything."said Spyro."What's bad about this place Spyro?"asked Chip."It's just pretty spooky."Replied Spyro.The duo started to wander through the forest.It was pretty quiet.Or it was too quiet.After a while,Chip saw something in a clearing.It was a short person...
"Hey Spyro.There's a short person over there with a robe on!"said Chip.Spyro looked over to where Chip was looking.He saw them too.It looked like Kaos!
There also was another person over there,but on the ground.It was silent.Spyro started to approach Kaos slowly.Chip followed.Than he got the jump on him.Kaos yelled and some more enemies came out from the forest.Spyro jumped up and shot fireballs at them,but Kaos got away.Spyro looked at the Skylander on the ground.It was the life Skylander Camo,and he didn't look very good.Spyro managed to pick him up and start flying.That's where the tour had ended.Spyro lead Chip back to his house to figure out what to do next.

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