Chapter 12

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-Lily 1992-

That night was already starting off with red flags. Naomi had spent hours vomiting, of course I didn't know that it was the pregnancy. Then I thought it simply was a bad sign.

"Maybe we shouldn't go," I say simply, "maybe it's not a good idea."

"Lily," Naomi says in a annoyed tone, "I promise you it's fine. We're going."

"You aren't feeling good and it's not that big of a deal-"

"Oh my god Lily relax I'm fine," She growls, "lets go." Despite every protest that should have been followed. Once inside the room we see the refreshments all nicely placed around. It seems like the whole thing was so nice and welcoming. Yet the underlying evil was so known.

"Welcome to the Ascension Party," Penelope reads as we all sit before her in costume, "'Find the chalices. Flip the Gryphon coin for your fate. Drink from the chalice, and meet your destiny. The successful among you will ascend to the third level." Excitements buzzing off of us. The next level of the game we've all thrown our blood, sweat, and tears into.

"Sounds simple enough," Tom Keller says.

"But not much of a party," Hiram says pulling something from his pocket, "So Why don't we make it one?"

"What's that, Hiram?" Hermione asks as he takes a pinch from the packet and dumps it into his mouth. Washing it down with a rootbeer.

"Fizzle rocks," He says excitedly, "They're new. Just hit the streets." He passes them around offereing to each kid. Naomi upon reciving them scoffs.

"I'd rather not develope an addiction," Naomi says, "I can't go out of state to hone in on my music if I'm screwing up my life with some shitty drugs."

"So you're taking the scholarship?" Fred asks her eagerly and she nods.

"With the support of my deer friends," She says smiling and passes the fizzle rocks over me. I look on angrily. "What?"

"Why didn't you give them to me?" I ask her harshly and she chuckles.

"Lily you're a kid. You aren't taking that," She says clearly, "I said no-"

"You aren't the boss of me Naomi!" I shout releasing all my anger out on her, "I don't want your sloppy seconds or your stupid watching over me!"

"Fine," She huffs looking to David as he holds the rocks. I take the package from him and down them. None of us would ever learn what was in those drugs. Or truly remember a second past that. Whatever it was, it turned us into monsters.

-Y/n 2018-

"I don't remember much of that night," She admits as she looks away from me, "after that foul sugary test hit my tonuge. I lost every bit of my self."

"She tried to stop you," I say softly, "and she was gonna go to college?"

"Yeah," Lily says, "lucky you're mother kept a pretty detailed diary. So you'll get a sober perspective of the night."

"Yeah," I say softly flipping the pages to the night. As i get to the begining of the story on the ascension party i find the words I'm looking for.

-Niaomi 1992-

The whole Ascension party was a nightmare from start to finish. My nerves on edge, everything making me shaky and jittery. And even worse my support was high, every last one of them. I swear I even saw Alice take the stupid Frizzle Rocks or whatever the hell they were. How could she do that to her poor baby? As my hand grazes my stomach I know the feeling is just of how I don't think I could do that to such a thing. I mean hell, once it reaches the real world its already going to be fucked. Why not give it half a chance?

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