Chapter 10

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Once we got settled into Luke's car, he handed me his iPhone and I already knew what to do. I plugged it into the radio and Luke turned up the volume. He looked over at me while he did so, making sure it wasn't too loud. I gave him a thumbs up and a smile. A smile spread across his lips as he pulled his raybans onto his face.

Ten minutes into our drive I already knew where we were going. The hundreds of trees, the windy roads and the "Speed Limit 50 MPH" sign made me know exactly where we were headed. I rolled down my window, letting the wind blow through my hair as I took in the scent of fresh rain.

We parked, and walked out on the little pier as we had once before. I saw Luke pull his sunglasses off his head and hang them on the chain he wore every time I saw him. We both took a seat dangling our feet off the edge. I pulled out my phone, texting my dad that I would be home later tonight then turning it onto Do Not Disturb mode.

I looked at the water noticing the peacefulness surrounding me. I looked over at Luke who was using his tongue to play with his lip ring. I looked at his thin lips for a long second before looking up at the sky. The sun was setting over the water and it was going to be dark soon. I pulled out my phone to take a few quick pictures of the water and sunset.

"I wanted to see the stars," Luke said looking over at me, then looking up at the sky. I just nodded, not exactly knowing what to say back.

"Hey Bailey?" Luke asked looking into my eyes.

"Yeah?" I said, looking right back into his eyes. I could look at those eyes forever, the blue color they held was so pretty.

"We hang out and stuff but I don't really know much about you," he said looking down and running a hand nervously through his hair.

I chuckled, "well what do you want to know?" Luke stayed quiet, thinking about it.

"I don't know, how about your favorite color for starters?" He said laughing at his basic question.

"Blue," I said simply, looking down at my hands.

"Mine too," he said with an awkward smile while rubbing the back of his neck.

I tried to think of questions to ask Luke, as if we were playing a game, but my mind was blank.

"Favorite food?" I asked being uncreative.

"Probably pizza but can I say all food?" He said with a laugh. "What about you?"

"Chicken Alfredo."

"That's right I should have remembered from when you came over for dinner," Luke said, leaning back using his hands to support him.

"Favorite place?" he asked.

"Hm," I thought about it for a second.

"The beach," I said thinking about the warm sand and the beautiful view of the water, "but mainly Florida beaches. The ones up here suck because the water is cold and you can't see through it,"

I said thinking about all the times I went to the beach with my family.

"I really like being on stage," Luke said while playing with his lip ring again.

"I didn't know you performed," I said in awe. I figured Luke was just the type of guy to play guitar and maybe sing a little alone in his room.

"Yeah not too often but I've performed in some cafés and outdoor events. It's rare." He said nodding his head. "Favorite song?"

"Don't have one. I always say one, but then another comes into mind, and then another," I said laughing.

"I was gonna ask how you don't, but now that I think of it, I can't pick just one either," Luke said laughing too.

Photographs (Luke Hemmings)Where stories live. Discover now