Chapter 5

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    Troian's POV

      I'm about get up when Adrienne rolls over and puts her arms around my waist.She looks so young and peaceful in her sleep. When she is awake, she looks so broken. Her sleeve rolls up and I catch a glimpse of red on her wrist. Cautiously, I look at her arms, tears flood my eyes, blurring my vision as I recognize what these lines are. My breathing becomes rapid and tears escape my eyes. Tons of bumps, scars, cover her arms. More than anyone I have ever seen. They look really deep. About ten look fresh. She's too young for this, too innocent, too sweet. She has done nothing to deserve what life has given her.

    No, no, no! No! Please, no! Not my baby girl!

   I hold her close, the only place I know she's safe in is in my arms, and drift off into an  uneasy slumber. 

"Hey, baby." I greet my Adrienne as I wake up.

    " Hey, Troi." she replies. My spirits go down, now I'm not Mom, just Troi.

     " Baby girl, I'm not mad. Just concerned. I promise not to judge. I love you more than anything in the world. I would die for you. Just, please tell me the truth. Do you self-harm?"  I ask.

Troian Bellisario Adopted MeWhere stories live. Discover now