Chapter 7

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Adrienne's POV

God, I'm so fucking stupid! Seriously, how hard is it to hide it. Well, at least she didn't find out about my anorexia. Troian grabs my arms and kisses my hands in a motherly kind of way. Her eyes are filled with tears, I can tell that she is attempting to stay strong for me.

"Bub, you need to be honest with me. I promise I won't judge you. I just need to know, are you starving yourself?" Troi asks. I shake my head, not allowing any sound to move past my lips. "Adrienne, I need to hear you tell me that you don't."

"I can't tell you that, I can't lie to you. I'm s-sorry m-momma!" I cry out. The older brunette rubs my back soothingly.

"Why?' She asks, her voice cracking.

"I'm fat. I'm ugly and if I'm skinny I might become beautiful like the others." I mutter.

"Adrienne Rose Bellisario! Never say that again! You are beautiful and far too thin for your age. It's not healthy."Troian has tears rolling down her cheeks at this point, guilt overwhelms me as I realize that I am the reason that she is crying, I am the reason for her tears.

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