Chapter 8

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Adrienne's POV

Troian checks her phone and mutters something to herself.

"Oh crap. Adrienne, baby girl. Would you mind getting ready. I couldn't find anyone on such short notice to watch you while I am at work so you have to come with me. Sorry." She informs me. A mixture of excitement and a little bit of panic floods my body. Having social anxiety makes it kinda hard to make friends, so I am scared I'll end up having an attack.

"Do you mean to say that I get to see the set of my fave TV show!" I run and get dressed. I take my time to do my make-up and hair seeing that I will be meeting some of the best actors and actresses today. Just as I finish, Troi yells dredded words: "Time for breakfast!"

Troi ends up having to carry me downstairs and put me in my chair. Thank God for waterproof make-up! Tears cascade down my face as I plead."Please mommy! Don't make me, I'm fat enough!" Turns out that she was too strong for the "mommy" card. Ugh.

She begins to feed me herself. All I can do is actually picture the fat and calories in my body right now. I can't even enjoy the flavor or warmth of the supposedly sweet waffles.

As she forces me to swallow the last bit of food, I look at her."I'm gonna go to the bathroom before we leave, okay?" I say.

"Actually, not okay. You have to wait until an hour after we get onto set till you can go." Troi states in a motherly tone. Well, crap. Abort mission, abort!

Troian Bellisario Adopted MeWhere stories live. Discover now