Chapter 24

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*two months later*

  I lay down on the bed in Demi's guest room. Keegan proposed so they are taking a little vacay. They'll be back in a few days though. I fall asleep.


 I ran to Clara."Sissy! You're home!" She had been at school all day, leaving me alone at home while our dad got wasted in the bar down the street. Clara picked me up and put me on her hip.

 "Hey there, girly. How was your day? Daddy didn't come home yet, right?" We did this everyday. I shook my head."That's good. Are you hungry? I got you a treat from the store."

  "Yay! Thank you, Clar Clar!" She smiled at my nickname for her. She dug through her wornout bag for the treat. She  pulled out a box of Mike and Ike's. I sqealed in excitement. We walked inside to the small room we shared. We ate a little bit and saved the rest for the next day. Who knew when we would get such a treat next?

   The door slammed, indicating that he was home. We stopped laughing and Clara's face went grim. She tried to hide me, but it was too late. He had heard us. He came into our room. Clara pushed me behind her. 

  "How dare you. She is my daughter! Give her to me!" He shouted at Clara. He was slurring his words. He pushed her to the ground and stumbled to me. 

  "Clar Clar!" I squealed. He lifted his hand and slapped me. Clara snapped back into reality and began punching his back with all her strength. This only made him hurt me even worse. He began punching me and kicking me. Blood filled my mouth, it dripped down my face. The man that was supposed to love us turned and began beating my sister. What caused this monster?


   I sit up in the bed, crying, sweating, gasping. Demi comes in."Why didn't he love us? Why did he do it?" I begin to have a panic attack.

                                                "Four years old with my back to the door

All I could hear was the family war
Your selfish hands always expecting more
Am I your child or just a charity award?

You have a hollowed out heart
But it's heavy in your chest
I try so hard to fight it but it's hopeless
Hopeless, you're hopeless

Oh, father, please, father
I'd love to leave you alone
But I can't let you go
Oh, father, please, father
Put the bottle down
For the love of a daughter

It's been five years since we've spoken last
And you can't take back
What we never had
Oh, I can be manipulated
Only so many times,
Before even "I love you"
Starts to sound like a lie

You have a hollowed out heart
But it's heavy in your chest
I try so hard to fight it but it's hopeless
Hopeless, you're hopeless

Oh, father, please, father
I'd love to leave you alone
But I can't let you go
Oh, father, please, father
Put the bottle down
For the love of a daughter

Don't you remember I'm your baby girl?
How could you push me out of your world,
Lied to your flesh and your blood,
Put your hands on the ones that you swore you loved?
Don't you remember I'm your baby girl?
How could you throw me right out of your world?
So young when the pain had begun
Now forever afraid of being loved

Oh, father, please, father
I'd love to leave you alone
But I can't let you go
Oh, father, please, father

Oh, father, please, father
Put the bottle down
For the love of a daughter
For the love of a daughter" Demi sings. My eyes flutter shut.

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