Chapter 31

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     I've been here for six weeks. Apparently my outburst have been symptoms of Bipolar Disorder. I've also been diagnosed with ADHD, the reason for my sudden energy spurts. I have a week until I get to go home. Mom hasn't visited me once. It hurts seeing all of these kids with their family but not having my Mom here for me. I think that she is mad at me. Why did I think that any one could actually love me? I'm such a fool to believe that. Never again.

      I've grown accustom to writing poetry now as my escape instead of that blade. But really, did I really need treatment? God damn!

     "Chrys?" I ask my roommate. She's three years older than me and treats me like I'm her little sister. She looks up from her book and smiles.

      "Yes, darling?" Did I mention that she is British? Yeah. Her parents wanted only the best treatment center for her.

      " Why hasn't Mom come to visit yet?" I ask her. I hear Chrys take a deep breath and sigh.

       "Well, love, I'm not exactly sure. Maybe she's just busy?" Chrys suggests.

         "Maybe. Well, it's past lights out. We should probably get to sleep." I add.

         "Two more pages, okay?" She asks.

           "Okay." I reply.

      She finishes the chapter and bids me good night. I fall into a deep, peaceful slumber.

     "Adrienne, love, wake up. Group therapy starts in two hours and it's breakfast. Come on." Chrys says sweetly, gently shaking me awake. I open my eyes to see her piercing blue eyes and light freckles littered amongst her face. She smiles at me." Morning."

    "Morning." I say, attempting a replica of her posh accent. After I fail majorly, we bust up laughing.

      "Come on! Let's go! The tenants are going to get mad." Chrys laughs. I nod. I throw my hair up into a messy bun and slide into some jeans and a T-shirt.

     "Race you to the cafeteria quarters!" I shout as I dash down the corriders.

      "Hey! No fair! You got a headstart!" Chrys whines as she chases me frantically. I turn a corner sharply and trip over my heels. I land on my front side and suddenly Chrys trips and lands right in top of me.

      "Ugh!" I shout as her weight hits me. We begin to laugh madly. Other 'warriors' walk past us, unable to refrain from laughing themselves. We eventually gather ourselves and go to the eating quarters. It isn't as hard to eat now, although it is a struggle on some days. It's always going to be hard, but it will be worth it.

    We finish breakfast quickly and head to group therapy. Chrys and I are seated next to each other and have our 'recovery notepads' out. They find that if we take notes of their 'inspiring' speeches then we can look over them in times of need. Mine has little doodles on the cover and a small picture of Clara in the corner. I remember that day. It was one of the few days that her smile was genuine and for someone else. I typically was her only joy.

    Clara came up to the yard with a boy carrying her book bag. He said something that made her giggle and blush. She brushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She went to open the door and he said something. She turned around in shock. She had shouted 'yes' so loud that I could hear it through the attic window in which I was spying from. Slowly, he placed his lips onto hers. I had my Moms old Polaroid and took a picture after they had pulled away and she was still grinning. She walked inside and ran upstairs to let me out.
   End of flashback

  "Adrienne? You spaced out for a while?" Chrys waves her hand in front of my face.

      "Oh, sorry. Just thinking." I reply. I would kill that man if I ever saw him again. He killed my sister. And almost killed me. He killed me inside. I hate him. My father.

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