Chapter 26

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A/Nsorry about the long wait, I've had some serious writers block. But I'm back! Thank @Katniss_Selfie for that. Follow her if u can.
I walk out of my bathroom and head downstairs only to see Treegan having a full on make out session. Oh my god! My eyes!
"Mom! Get your tongue back in your mouth! My eyes! My eyes burn! It hurts!" I shout. Mom pulls away and her cheeks redden. I shake my head."Kids," I mutter.
"Adrienne, you need to eat breakfast." Mom says. I roll my eyes. Well shit.
"You made me lose my appetite." I say.

"Fine, then have a banana." Mom suggest.

"A banana! You want me to eat the official dick-fruit? After seeing that?" I complain. Mom's eyes widen.

"Oh my god! Adrienne!" Mom yells. I shrug."Fine then, have an apple." She says.

I reach out to take the fruit, but my sleeve goes up. Mom's eyes get fucking huge.

"Adrienne Grace Bellisario! Why didn't you tell me that you replased!" Mom shouts at me. Tears swell in my eyes. She's scaring me.

"You can't just tell me to stop and have it happen! It doesn't work like that! Don't you think that I wanna get better? I'm trying! And besides, why do you care? You're gonna get married and have your own kids! You're just gonna forget about me!" I shout.

"Adrienne, why would you think that? Who told you that?" Mom asks calmly.

"They did. The voices." I reply quietly.

"Baby girl, they're wrong.I'm never going to leave you. I love you too much to ever forget about you. Look, I'm sorry I shouted. It just hurts me that you have to feel like this. You're only 14 and you've gone through so much. Where's the blade. Give me every blade. All of them this time." I nod and head upstairs.

I grab a few, keeping about three in my matress. Mom kisses my forehead.

*next day*

"Adrienne! Come on! We're gonna miss our flight!" Mom shouts.

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