Chapter 12

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     Adrienne's POV

   I take in a shaky breath." I had a sister, ten years older, she was the best. Clara was all I had. She protected me from our father, at her own cost. He got her pregnant. Seven months along, she had a miscarraige, she was never the same. She was so broken, but she stayed strong for me. My father wanted to r-r-rape me one day, but Clara fought him. She knew there was no use. She did it for me! She wanted me to know that I was loved! But I already knew that she loved me! He killed her! She died in my arms! She died in my fucking arms! That asshole killed the only person that loved me! I wish he had killed me that night, too!" I am screaming now, tears streaming down my face. I can see Troian crying too. I flinch when she takes me in her arms, I look up at her, all I see is hurt. I then curl up into her chest,(not that way you naughty ones) I can hear her heart beating. Her breaths on my neck are soothing. 


   Lucy walks into my room. I jump up."Lucy Moosey!" I shout. She raises an eyebrow questioningly at me.

   "Lucy Moosey? Really Adrienne? Wow, just wow." She replies to my lame nickname.

   "Yes, really." Lucy rolls her eyes.

   " Well, come downstairs. We are watching a movie." Luce replies.

    " Can we watch Fear Island? Puh-lease?" I ask, making my adorable face." Come on, I'm adorable."

    "Ugh, fine! I cave, I cave!" She caved! Yes!

    We get downstairs and I argue with Troian about who gets to sit next to Lucy.

      "Ha! I knew Sparia was real! I have always shipped Trucy!" I yell at Troian. Both of them roll their eyes.

     " If I have told you once I have told you a trillion times, Trucy, nor Sparia are not real! It is simply an idea fans like you cling to for hope." I roll my eyes and bootybump her out of the way, saying "Move, bitch! Get outta the way!"  I laugh and sit next to Lucy in victory.

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