Chapter 29

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      I'm back at home. Without Mom. She actually went through with it. I can't believe it. I'm sitting in my room. Blade in hand. I've been home for a week and all I've done is slice through my skin. I'm staying with Keegan at Mom's house.

    I've been cutting lessons again and sneaking out at night. I heard about some huge party by that bar I went to a while back. At the moment, I'm getting ready.

       I hop out the window and stick the landing. I sneak off into the darkness. A few blocks down, I see the bar. A few drinks won't hurt. Only one. Only one.

      I approach the small bar and order a shot. I take it, pay, and walk out. On my way to the next block, a group of men approach me.

     " Hey, come on baby!" One shouts. They all begin shouting at me. A few grab my arm as I shrug them off. I smack one in the face. This pisses them off.

     They begin to hit me, kick me, just full on beat me senseless. This feels like I'm back with my father. They even throw bottles at me, and they laugh as the shattered pieces embed themselves into my flesh. The alcohol stings my wounds. Eventually, they leave. I pull out my phone and call Keegan.

     "H-help me. P-please." I manage to say before drifting off into the unwelcoming darkness.

   Someone turn that damned beeping off! I open my eyes slowly and the pain intensifies quickly. " OW! Anyone there?" I shout. Mom hovers over me, I want to get up and hug her, but I'm still upset.

    I sit there and stare at her. Her eyes show the deep pity, I don't want sympathy, I want my Mom back.

      Troian's POV

   Adrienne has been acting odd for a while now, and I'm worried about her. What if something is wrong? The doctor ran a few tests and has told me that she has Bipolar Disorder. How am I supposed to tell a suicidal 14 year old this?

      Hasn't she been through enough? That isn't even the worst part, they found her biological mother. What if she tries to take Adrienne? I can't let that happen. I love this kid too much.

     Seeing my baby girl like this is painful for me, literally. She has bandages around her ribs, right arm, head, and foot. She has a concussion and three broken ribs, a badly cut arm, and a sprained ankle. My poor baby girl. Why was she even out there? They found alcohol in her system, she was near that bar I found her a while ago. I thought she was clean. She has lost even more weight and has at least double the scars. It tears my heart in half.

      I just want her to be happy. Is that too much to ask. My little girl had to grow up too fast. And it's not fair. It's all his fault, those years of abuse triggered it, but it might be my fault for being too hard on her. I just hope that I can save her, before it's too late.

    Thanks to @lovaticandmixer for the new cover. You are amazing Olivia!


Troian Bellisario Adopted MeWhere stories live. Discover now