Bitter & Sweet

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Edit: Hey guys! Thank you so much for the appreciation and encouragement that you guys always give me that keeps me going.
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The holidays seemed to be passing without any breaks. Everyone had been so busy in routine work, they felt as if time was slipping through their hands.
Hermione, Neville and Luna sat on the grass of a common Muggle park near Hermione's home, studying for their NEWTs.
'I find it horribly sad that Mr. Newt never mentioned the fruit pixies in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them. They're excellent creatures.'
'They must be.' Neville politely answered.
'Daddy says most people believe what they see. What they can't believe, they don't want to see. But fruit pixies are pretty little fairy like creatures which we can see if we closely look around us.'
'Well, have you ever seen one?' Neville questioned, all the same going through his Herbology book.
'No. But I do plan on looking for them once we're free of NEWTs.'
Hermione sat beside them, paying attention to her Herbology notes, checking them occasionally with Neville's.
'What else do you plan on looking for?' Neville asked.
'Well... many undiscovered entities. I'll give you  an example. There are horse-back Lynxs who have the ways of fawns, but have a more hose-ish look to them, with wild manes and little body structures.'
'That's interesting. You can become an explorer for Magical Creatures.'
Luna gazed dreamily at her book. 'You're right.'
Draco struggled in his room, trying hard to make the charm work.
Trying for what seemed to be the fiftieth time, ]frustrated, he kicked the door. He wasn't ever going to get it right.
Narcissa walked into the room quietly.
'Draco, is everything okay?'
'There's no point trying, mum.' He sadly said.
'No point for what?' she asked.
'I'm preparing for practical for defense against the dark arts class.' He said pointlessly.
Narcissa waited for an elaboration.
'I can't conjure a patronus.' his eyes filled with sorrow.
Narcissa's heart melted. Her guilt sparked, as she felt extremely sorry for her son.
She walked to him, placing a hand over her shoulder.
'If Severus could, you can too.' she tried to encourage him.
'He had happy memories, mum. He didn't let his experience affect him, because he was doing it for a better purpose.'
'Draco, I have another theory.'
He gave her a questioning stare.
'He joined the death eaters because he was determined to fulfill Lily's cause. Of course, that might not be the case. But it can be. He hated Voldemort from the beginning, and he had no fear of him. He wasn't loyal to him. And he never let Voldemort affect his cause.'
'But Mum, I was nothing like Professor Snape, and I never will be. He was brave, and I had been a coward. He had a very strong cause, in fact, a cause that contradicted Voldemort's entire life - Love. I had no cause but to save myself, and I had been selfish. He was selfless and fearless.'
'Draco, maybe death eaters can never love. And that's why they can't produce patronuses. Their love always changes when it comes to the fear of death. They only love themselves.'
'I can't say I'm any different.'
'Draco you are very different from those selfish men and women. You were selfless. It was the fear of your family that you took such a step that defied many of your morals and I know you had them. You only let them down to gain your Father's pride.'
He had no answer.
'Draco, ask yourself. Don't you Love other people besides yourself?'
'I love you, Mother.' I love Hermione, he wanted to add.
'You want me to help you?' Narcissa never thought she'd be saying that. Neither did Draco. He was surprised.
'You can conjure a patronus?'
'How?' He asked.
'Draco... when I was in the forbidden forest and I was told to check if Harry Potter was dead, I lied to Voldemort. I asked him if you were alive, and he told me you were. I lied to Voldemort because I wanted welfare of my family and knew that he would never be a source of it. I was selfless too. I loved my family more than power.'
She pulled her wand from her robe and began to speak.
'Now listen up. You need to think of a very sweet memory. With honesty.'
He watched closely, as Narcissa closed her eyes. She seemed to be struggling.
Inside, Narcissa Malfoy was struggling.
She thought of what was the best memory of her life. Then she got it. She thought of it: that day was bright and sunny. She held her new born son in her hands, the best thing she had ever experienced in her life. She was caressing him, loving all of him.
"Expecto patronum."
Draco watched as the wisp of bright white light coming from her wand began growing stronger. It took the shape of a white peacock, its features admirable.
He looked at it with admiration. Encouraged, he took his wand in his hands resolutely.
Closing his eyes, he thought of the happiest memory.
None came to his mind. None at all. All that he thought of was disappointment and his Father's bitterness, his Mother's agony. His pain and cowardice. His arrogant and stupid attitude.
He opened his eyes.
Narcissa was watching him with a soft expression.
'Think, Draco. Think.' she spoke,
'It's so hard, Mother. I - I can't...'
'It's not. Think of it. The best you've ever experienced.'
He closed his eyes once again, thinking of that day Hermione and him had ice cream, and she had forgiven him.
'Expecto Patronum!' He said.
'Draco!' Narcissa exclaimed.
He opened his eyes just in time to see a wisp of light coming out of his wand.
'You did it! It's a start! You can do better!'
'I can conjure a patronus. Merlin's beard!' He laughed. He had done so in a very long time. Narcissa smiled, proud of him.
He closed his eyes and gave it a thought. The best thing that had happened to him....
And then it hit him like a train. He pictured Hermione so close to him. Her cheeks flushed as she drew closer. Their lips met and stayed close for a very long while.
'Expecto patronum!' he yelled.
He opened his eyes, his soul jumping in surprise as he saw a dragon flying around in the brightest light.
Narcissa flung her arms around him, hugging him tight. He hugged her back, gratitude flowing. His eyes filled with tears, emotions wrecking him.
It was bitter, yet sweet.

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