Chapter 30: Lukas

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I bolted upright in bed, ears flickering at the pounding pulsing in the room. My stomach churning and heart beating as the unwelcome fears bubble up. Shaking in silence as I strain my ears for the pounding steps of the demons.

Growling to myself, I try to stamp out those thoughts. That can't be real, and even if it is then they are going to be annihilated. This is our home field, this is Beacontown, they can't just walk on in. If they try anything again, it's the last thing they'll do.

That doesn't stop my heart from thundering as I make my way to the door, straining to hear what that noise is coming from and if it's a threat.

The moment I open the door, it becomes much more clearer. A mad, frantic thud going throughout the air, and if I really listen, the whisper of words elude to something even greater.

"Ivor! Gabriel! Anyone human, why aren't you getting the door?" I mean, I would love to get it myself, but the whole been-missing-for-weeks-thing might send them into a frenzy. Especially when the new me has cat tail, ears, claws, and fur.

Harper shambles out of Jesse's room, and I decide not to think about that, giving me a strange look. "I don't hear anything."

Yet right as she says that, the pounding gets even louder causing my ears to twitch. "Well there's someone at the door, I don't think I should answer."

She tightens her lips, but walks off anyway. I could see when she hears it, sharply inhaling and pace quickening to get to the door. Although she could of just believed me the first place, but Harper's going to be Harper I suppose.

I stroll back into my room, my tail curling around me when I feel so wrong being in here. My legs begin to take me to my dresser before I could even think about what to do. I need to get my head straight, no more breaking down.

Peeling off the disgusting prison clothes that I should've changed out of earlier, I try not to look at any of my fur when I do so. Although I can't help but notice how dirty I am now. Dirt and filth on me and not just from those vile clothes.

Which creates this urge to lick myself, one that is immediately rejected and banished where all the other forbidden thoughts are kept. Since I'm actually going to be a human and clean myself in the bathroom.

Grabbing my bathrobe and putting it on, its fuzzy fabric so, so wrong to me now, I make my way to the bathroom. Simply nodding to myself when I see that it's free-

"I'm telling you! It was Jesse!"

I halt, my entire attention narrowing in on the man's voice. Jesse? He saw Jesse.

"Calm down mister. The Order of the Stone has been missing for weeks, if this was really Jesse you saw, then how come he hasn't come back?" Despite some of my irritation to her, I'm extremely grateful for her lying for us.

"It's because he's been cursed or something!" Oh great, curses. That's definitely what I want people to think about me. "All the skin I could see was black as night, fingers like their own swords, and these unnatural pure white eyes! It was horrifying, and it was wearing Jesse's clothes!"

"Okay sir, where did you see this... creature?"

"Out behind Beacontown, maybe a mile or so, but it's close! Real close!"

The panic, the fear, in his voice making my blood boil. Yes I can relate to the man, but this isn't how people like Jesse should be treated. Not when he has done so much for the people. Did these finger swords actually attack him? Or did he just see at a distance and immediately decided to run Jesse's name through the mud?

"Thank you, I promise we'll investigate very soon. Until then, stay within the walls. You hear me? Just stay inside the walls."

The conversation turns into Harper trying to get the man to leave, and I rush into the bathroom. Claws breaking out as I just want to tear something into shreds right now! Even free from that prison we can't seem to get a break!

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