seventeen ⭐ tour

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underscoregeoff time for tour.

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awstenknight HOT HOT HOT
underscoregeoff @awstenknight no u
awstenknight @underscoregeoff I'm not hot I'm cute smh 😤😤
underscoregeoff @awstenknight true


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geoff.updates breaking! geoffs last post had TWO things to talk about! first of all, he has announced the start of tour. first show is on the fourth, though I can't remember which city it is. second, the comments between him and awsten are rather flirtatious. as we can see, they go back and forth about who is cute and who is hot. awsten says geoff is hot, while geoff says awsten is cute AND hot! what are your opinions on these two? do you think they're in a relationship?

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see you on the other side of the screen \\ ig \\ gawsten ✔Where stories live. Discover now