thirty-two ⭐ blowjob

264 6 16

about two weeks later
geoff and awsten



I'm lonely

I'm gay

come to my room


I'm l o n e l y


come to my r o o m


I'll be right there


Geoff goes into Awsten’s room.

Geoff: H-

Awsten: {grabs Geoff's hips} I, uh… hmm. Well. I'm. hm.

Geoff: Spit it out.

Awsten: No. I wanna swallow it.

Geoff: What?

Awsten: Geoff, look, I… I'm…. in the mood to… suck someone?

Geoff: Aren't you inexperienced?

Awsten: I want to though.

Geoff: {traces circles in Awsten’s shoulder} Do you know what kind of problems we would cause if people knew what we had done?

Awsten: That's why we would have to keep it a secret. {moves his hand down} I've never seen anyone before.

Geoff: Aws?

Awsten: {slides his hand down Geoff’s pants} Is it okay?

Geoff: Yeah…

Awsten brings Geoff to his bed. He makes Geoff sit down on the edge.

Awsten: I can't take you whole, y'know.

Geoff: It’s expected from first timers.

Awsten: I hope it's still good enough…

Geoff: {takes Awsten's hand} It's okay.

a/n I can't write smut whoops I might add to this later

see you on the other side of the screen \\ ig \\ gawsten ✔Where stories live. Discover now