Chapter 17

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Thalia's POV

Hazel doesn't know much about me so I could use lots of different stuff. This is my list.


I have concidered leaving the hunters for someone.

I am obsessed with the just dance video game.

When I was little I almost jumped off a cliff, to get my teddy bear, but my uncle caught me by my shirt.


Hazel looked really confused.

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmm?" she said.

"The just dance one is the lie?"

I smirked. "Nope.You guys seriously think I almost jumped off a cliff?"

"I could picture you doing that," percy said, and everyone murmured in agreement.

"Wait! you almost left the hunters!"annabeth yelled.

I ignored her.

"Ok Hazel, what's your list?"

Hazels POV

My list was pretty hard in my opinion.


I have a deathly fear of crows.

I have a celeb crush on One Direction.

I love scary movies.


When Thalia read this she started laughing.

"Ok, first, everyone knows you like one direction, and second, a crow flew overhead yesterday and you screamed, so the scary movies is the lie."

I felt my cheeks start to get warm, I thought those were good!

"Ok whatever, who's next?"

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