Chapter 7

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Natalie's P.O.V

Only seconds after Chris knocked on the door, a middle aged lady opened the door with a heart warming smile. "Chris! Honey, there for a minute we thought you weren't going to come!" The woman I was guessing was his Mother said in a excited like tone.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world, Ma." Chris said with a smile, whilst giving his mom a hug.

I smiled to myself, as I watched Chris and his mom talk and catch up with each other before she introduced herself to me. "Oh, how rude of me. Hello, I'm Lisa Evans, Chris's Mother!" Lisa said with a huge genuine smile. "And..... You must be Natalie Holt?" She trailed off, and then asked.

"Yes, that would be me, it's so nice to finally meet you." I stated with genuine happiness.

"Well, it's nice to meet you too, honey. I'm so glad you decided to come with Chris today." She replied with the same smile.

After speaking quickly, and finishing introductions she led us inside the house. As we walked through the nice, decorated house, I couldn't help but look at all the family photos. We abruptly stopped at an arch way that led into a good sized room, furnished with a nice brown sectional couch, a tan lounge chair, and a large plasma t.v that hung on the wall.

As Chris and I made our way over the couch, I noticed some voices I didn't recognize. When the voices got closer, Chris gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. Finally the voices got close enough to hear, but they completely stopped. After they completely stopped, a guy that looked a lot like Chris, and two women I assumed were his sisters, walked in.

The guy that I assumed was Chris's brother quickly made his way over to the couch, where he plopped down beside me. "Hey, I'm Scott Chris's brother, and you must be Natalie?" Scott, Chris's brother said in a very happy tone.

"That would be me!" I replied happily.

"Wow, I can't believe how pretty you are, Chris has never had a girlfriend as pretty as you." I blushed as he made the statement.

"Oh, thank you, that's really sweet." I said with a smile, and a flushed feeling.

The next person to speak to me was a one of the girls I assumed was Chris's sister. "Hi Natalie, I'm Carly, Chris's sister."

"Hello, it's so nice to meet you, and you are?" I replied, and then asked to the girl that sat beside of Carly.

"I'm Shanna, Chris's other sister!" Shanna said with a genuine smile.

Everyone in Chris's family was so nice, I was really surprised. The only family I had not yet met was Chris's father, Bob. Apparently, Bob was a dentist in Sudbury and he hadn't gotten off work yet.

About 30 minutes later, dinner was not yet done, and Chris's father had just arrived. When he finally walked into the family room, I could see where Chris got some of his looks, but honestly most of them came from his mother. Since there were no available seats on the sectional couch, Bob took a seat on the tan lounge chair, and turned on the t.v. After skimming through the channels Chris's father changed the channel to Espn, where of course the topic was the Boston Red Sox. "I see you like the Red Sox?" Bob stated more as a question.

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