Chapter 4

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*** Pic on the right is of Grady, cute, I know. But, don't let the looks fool you, he's not a nice guy.***

The older gentleman that I now know is Doc Tanner got out of his truck and started walking towards us, ‘human, it’s alright’ my wolf called out to me.

“I see that our patient is up and about, and I see that Helen took it upon herself to take out your IV. Have you eaten anything dear?” He asked as he took my face into his hand and looked into my eyes. He then took my wrist and checked my pulse.

“Yes sir, I have, but I could eat again.”

He laughed when I commented to him. “I’m sure you could. Now, let’s have a look at your hands.” He gasped when he looked at them, I forgot to wrap them back up and Helen didn’t say anything to me about them. Crap, I thought to myself, as I pulled them away from the Doc.

“H… how did they heal so fast? They were torn up somethin fierce.”

I was hesitant in answering his question, how was I going to explain this, ‘Oh, yes Doctor, I heal quickly, all werewolves do.’ Yeah, that would go over really well.

“Not sure, I’ve always been a fast healer.” I answered back to him shrugging my shoulders.

He glanced back at me with a look that held many questions. “Okay then, how are you feeling?”

“I feel great; Helen and Nate have been very hospitable.”

“Excellent, now do you have a name?” He asked as he looked down at me.

I looked over at Nate and he smiled. “Blue, Nate calls me that and I rather like it.”

“Alright then Blue, I would like to do a full work up on you now that you are awake.”

I could feel myself panicking again. I did not want to be alone with him. “Can Helen or Nate be with me please?” My lower lip was quivering.

“Of course, how about we head on into the house?” We all walked into the house and Doc Tanner went to talk to Helen.

“Blue.” Nate said as he walked beside me. “Are you going to be okay, I need to get outside, I will be in soon though.”

I nodded my head and he smiled back to me. I made my way to the kitchen as Doc Tanner and Helen were talking about everything that he would need.

Once he was all set up in the bedroom that I was using. He had me step on the bathroom scale and was shocked at how much I weighed, he called me ‘severely underweight.’ He then had me take off my clothes and lay down on the bed. He laid a thin sheet over me and only removed it in the spots he needed to look at.  I held onto Helen’s hand and tried not to cry as Doc Tanner checked every inch of my and notes the scars that I have. When he finished he asked me several questions.

“How did you get the large scar on your neck?”

My hand went to it and it brought me back to that day almost two years ago when I left my home with Grady. “He bit me two years ago to prove I was his.”

“And who might ‘he’ be?”

“I would rather not talk about him please.” The less I talked about him, the better.

“Okay then, when did you become sexually active?”

“18” I answered not looking at him.

“How many partners have you had?”

“One” This felt like an interrogation.

 “Do you know how many partners he has had?”

Oh god why is he asking me this? “From what I know, over 75.”

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