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Draco pov

We step into Madam Wilson's Breakfast to see a nice little classy but cute tearoom, with a few tables and couches. We sit at a table and the menus appear. They had pancakes, scones, biscuits and lots of tea.

"Are you ready to order?" I looked up to see the waiter

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"Are you ready to order?" I looked up to see the waiter. I nodded, and Father started ordering.

The door rang.  Assuming someone had come in I glanced over. Oh no.

Harry pov

We apperated to Diagon Alley and walked to our favorite tea shop, Madam Wilson's Breakfast. I push the door open just to see something I didn't want to.  My fucking crush, which Pads and Moons DID KNOW ABOUT.  Great. Luckily my thoughts were cut short by Madam Wilson herself.

"SIRIUS IS THAT A RING?!?!?!?!" she screeched,  hurrying to the door. "Let me see it! Oh Remus, it's beautiful. When's the wedding?" She talks so fast it's hard to understand her.

"Yes, yes Betsy, he proposed this morning. We have barely thought of the wedding yet!" He chuckled. "But you'll be invited for sure. "

"What about you Harry? Anyone catch your eye yet?" She turned to me, a sweet smile on her face.

"Well he seems to have a thing for that Malf-"

"Not now!" I cut Sirius off with a quick jab in the ribs with my elbow. "We can dicuss my nonexistent love life later,  today's all about you two!"

That was close.

Draco pov

Did Sirius say Malfoy? I'm really the only one but...

"Dray, come on, order already! " Sev cut me off. "We don't have all day!"

"Sorry, Sev. I'll have the green tea with a blueberry scone.  Nothing in the tea, please."

" Good choices! I'll have that right out for you folks." He left, and hurried to the kitchen.

Father and Sev were sitting on one side of the table, and they were just looking at the speciality teas as Father got up, walked around the table, and got down on one knee. The Lupins and Har-Potter were looking over now, happy to see another possible engagement that day.

"Severus, we've been through thick and thin together, and I would like to know if you will stay with me the rest of my life. Will you marry me?"

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