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I borrowed some of Harry's clothes that he had left at the house. The shorts were sized for him, so they were practically booty shorts on me! It was even better since the tank top also hugged my body. I laid down on the bed and waited fir Harry to finish. I grabbed a book off his shelf and started reading. It was on creature inheritances. I got caught up in it, so I didn't even see Harry walk in.

"You like that book?" I looked up to find a very pleasant image. Harry was wearing sweat pants with no top. Since he had told all about his scars, he didn't hide them. I could see a hickey from earlier perched on his collarbone. He looked beautiful and downright sexy.

"Yeah, actually.  And side note, veelas actually aren't always female, unlike this stupid chapter suggests. "

"You know people with creature inheritances? Wow. I wish I did." Harry looked amazed.

"Yeah, you idiot. Pansy is part kneazle and Seamus Finnigan is a fucking vampire for pete sakes! Plus I happen to know a half-veela. He's pretty neat." I was worried I would have to tell him sooner or later, but I guess it's sooner now.


"Harry you arsehead! It's like I'm not your boyfriend! "

"Wait-don't veelas have set mates? And wings?" He's such an idiot.

"HALF- veela. No set mate, retractable wings.  But we still have the looks." I extended my wings carefully,  since they were still growing. They were as white as my hair at the top, and light grey by the bottom. "But it's not that important."

Wait for it draco,  make him wait,

"You are."


Yeah its a little plain of me, but I figured the no-mate thing would make up for it? Idk sorry if you don't like it.



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