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Harry pov

I sat down across from Siri. Draco pulled out his wand and did a quick charm to fix my neck. I pet Draco's wings until Remus came in. He looked at us for a second, and then sat down and read the paper.

"Draco you can take off the charm," he said, sipping his coffee.

"How did you know?" I was confused.


Draco mumbled, " finite incantium"

I felt the charm lift. I felt a little naked without it, since I used to use it so much. I huddled closer to Dray and he lightly placed his wing around me.

He took a bagel from the middle and took a bite, and offered it to me. I took a small nibble.

"Eat. Come on." He have me a quick 'I have complete dominance over you give up' look, so I took a bigger bite.

What an arsehead

AN yes I know its short but I just had a concert and I'm pooped but still wanted to write.

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