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Remus pov


A loud rattle came from the knocker. I looked out my window, only to see my godson and Draco. Harry looked upset.

"Padfoot! Get the door! " I yelled as I rushed to the door anyways. He had just opened it as I came into the hallway.

Harry had a tear-stained face, and I could tell he was on the verge of more. He was leaning heavily into his boyfriend, who looked slightly disheveled himself.

"May we come in? Harry and I have some things to discuss with you." Draco asked as mannerly (IDK if that's a word) as he could

"Yes, yes come in! And you don't have to be so formal with your nearly fathers-in-law!"

He led Harry to the couch before turning to me.

" Can we talk while Sirius calms down Harry? "

"Y-yeah. Sure."

AN Sorry its soooo short recently but :(

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