Gunner Training!

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Author's Note: Oh dang. Now it's time to train with the gunners! Hope you are excited! If not... Then I'm still gonna write the chapter. So you have to deal with it or come back next chapter! Credits to artist!

*Third person's POV*

You woke up the next morning to no annoying knock, but to your own personal time choice. The gunners didn't train until about 4 p.m. so, you still had some time to consume. 

You went to breakfast, silent though... Your throat still hurted. (Due to SOMEONE'S actions. Hint: It was Roy!) But you weren't gonna let that stop you today!

(Y/N) made her way to the line and looked around... Many of her friends were here, but she decided to sit by herself. Making people worry wasn't very friendly-like, so she wasn't gonna risk it. 

She ate her breakfast so no one can notice her- "Hey, wait!" A female voice called. No! No! (Y/N) thought.

"Aren't you gonna be training with us gunners today?" The blue-suited woman asked. You suddenly went into a fit of coughs. Which attracted the whole lunchroom's attention... Oops.

"Er... Yes I am. It's nice to meet you. I'm (Y/N)." You said in a low whisper. 

Instantly, the Mario Bros. took notice. Uh-oh. They were standing up! 

"You're okay right? Can you still train?" The blue suit girl asked. 

You immediately snapped out of your gaze at the Mario & Luigi. "Yeah! I'm pumped!" You replied with a (trying) shout.

"Hehe. Good. I like your enthusiasm, I'm Samus Aran, Galaxies best bounty-hunter." Samus said with a calm and relaxed smile.

(Y/N) smiled. As Samus left, Mario & Luigi started walking towards you! 

What will you do?



  Confront them

(Y/N) chose to run!

You ran successfully!

You luckily made it to your room be foe anyone else could question you. *cough* I'm gonna try and get more rest... (Y/N) thought.

*Timeskip to after your nap. It's currently 3:15 when you wake up*

(Y/N) woke up to that sound of that darn alarm clock!!! *cough cough* My training! You thought eagerly.

You got ready more slower than usual though... Once you got on your attire, and got yourself ready, you immediately booked it out the door. But as you were running through the hallways, you bumped into a man/robot who had a blue suit too! He also has blue eyes, and a caring smile even when you bumped into one and other.

He offered his blue-gloved hand to you. "Thanks." You said sheepishly, and in a very low whisper.  "Mega Man! Where are you?!" Yelled a feminine voice. 

Once you got up, just around the corner came the source of the yelling and familiar face. 

It was Samus! 

"Oh, there you ar- (Y/N)! Perfect timing! This is Mega Man, he can't speak though. Currently, Palutena is making translators for the smashers that can't talk." She explained. 

*cough cough COUGH* "S-sorry... Anyways, hi Mega Man! I'm (Y/N), and sorry for bumping into you." (Y/N) whispered. Mega Man only nodded and bowed as a "Good to meet you."

"Alright, introductions aside, let's hurry to the training room." Samus suggested.

*Timeskip to training room*

Like the brawlers, the gunners also trained within the inner training room. Little did you know, was that there was another gunner there! It was R.O.B!

You greeted R.O.B. with an exciting smile. You trusted today will be a good training day! 

First, Mega Man taught you how to set up your gunner arm. Once you did that, R.O.B. helped you with shooting perfectly, of course it took a little bit... But luckily, they all had such patience! 

Samus is now teaching you the stance, you needed to balance yourself backwards, then shoot. They each gave you targets from different distances, and sizes if the shots you needed in order to be successful in knocking them down.

R.O.B.'s had to be quick and thin, easy enough. Samus' had to be small, yet a medium amount of speed. Mega Man's proved to be challenging though. His was really powerful, and really fast! 

It took (Y/N) multiple amounts of times to master it. This was embarrassing for both you and Mega Man, but in order for him to help you, he needed to fix your stance... So in other words, 

He had to grab your waist.

As he was doing this Samus let out a quiet chuckle. You and Mega Man were both blushing terribly... 

You finished up rather quickly, and not a moment before dinner! You sat by the gunners because they didn't talk that much, which was lucky for you since it hurt to talk. Although for some reason, you didn't get any food... You just didn't want to eat all night. 

All your friends from other tables also noticed this, but before they could even get near you. (Y/N) excused herself and left... She was just not feeling to well tonight.

Author's note: Forgive me... But I have not posted a new chapter in 3 DAYS! 3 DAYS! Ok sorry. But seriously, I'm so sorry. I just had some writers block... But tis' done! Yaaaaaay~ Alrighty! So, why is (Y/N) not feeling to good? (Starts to fade away) find out next chapter smash fans! Thanks for reading! It's also been a week since I made this fanfic! So thanks for your support! It truly makes my day! 💙

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