Chapter 18

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"YOU GOT HIS NUMBER?!!" Sapph screeched over the phone, "I'm not sure if I should be happy you got a date or worried because he's probably like 24."
"It's not a date" Y/N clarified, "Just hanging out. But like... Do I text him? Or do I wait..?"
"I dunno. Just do whatever you feel like. If you don't want to text him just yet, don't. Who cares?"
"I care! They're so nice and I really want to get to know them better. Today, the conversation kept shifting to the attack."

"That aside.. back to the guy, their friend, was he seriously watching you the entire time??"
"YES. And he wasn't very subtle either."
Sapph started cackling, "I'm just imagining this random ass adult in the back of the café staring at the underaged barista through his dark sunglasses."
"If he's gonna do it at least do it right" Y/N scoffed, "It was so hard to pretend like I DIDN'T know he was there."

"Haa.. Why was he stalking you in the first place?" Sapph said as her laughter .died down
"No idea. If I catch him again he isn't getting away with it so easily."
"Call me when you do. Your life has been so interesting lately."

"But... You don't think he's actually suspicious, right?" Sapph asked, suddenly serious.
"Suspicious? Namjoon?"
"Like... you think he could have been the attacker, and is now watching you for a chance alone?"
"N-no.. I don't think so.."

Could it..?

"No" Y/N repeated, more sure this time, "After all, I hadn't met him before the attack. And he even seemed worried!"
"But.. the night you were attacked, you said you heard the attacker's footsteps.. So you could say they weren't really a top-tier stalker either."
"Ah... But..."
"It's possible, Y/N.."


"No Sapph. I did hear the footsteps, but it was different than when Namjoon was watching me.
Namjoon just honestly sucks at it. He just stood out in this dumb way that he didn't even notice.
My attacker was different...

Like.. the footsteps were slow and heavy, as if they... as if they were taunting me. A-and whenever I thought I'd be able to catch a glimpse of them, it was like they disappeared completely..
My attacker wasn't just some low-tier stalker, Sapph.. They knew what they were doing, and they did it deliberately
It's different. Definitely."

Sapph shivered, "O-Okay.. Nevermind I guess.."
"I'm going to hang up, see you tomorrow."
"Yeah, ok. Bye Y/N."

Y/N patted her cheeks to calm down. That conversation got her all kinds of worked up.
A loud whack came from outside.
She heard her father come out of his study, "Huh? What was that?"
"I don't know dad.. Uhm.. I'm gonna take a look."
"I'll close off my game and come too" her father reassured her.

Y/N didn't wait for him and ran downstairs, taking her rusty old vase as a weapon once again.
She opened the backdoor and-

Oķay Chocolate was stuck under the picnic table.

"How in the fuck-" her eyes widened, "let's get you out before dad sees you!"
She lifted the table up high enough for the wolf to slip through.
"Quick hide hide hide!" She repeated as the wolf took a seat between the bushes.

Her dad walked out, "what happened here? Why is the table broken?"
"Not sure.. I did saw some cats run away so I'll just take a guess."
"Cats are breaking picnic tables now? What in the world?"
The man let out a sigh, "nevermind it I guess.. I thought there were burglars if I'm honest."
"Same, but nope."
"I'm going upstairs.. see you tomorrow."
"Goodnight dad."
"Don't stay outside too long, it's getting colder."

The second her dad closed the door she ran to the bushes.
"Are you okay..? You didn't hurt yourself under there did you? Poor thing... How did you even manage to end up like that?"
She caressed the wolf's head.
"I'm glad to see you Chocolate.." she sighed, making herself comfortable on the grass.

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