4 - Taking the next step

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Kara's POV-

I wake up the next morning and after I change, I go downstairs. I see that Mon-El or his parents aren't there but my parents are. I sit down at the table.

Kara: "Good Morning"

Alura: "Good Morning"

Kara: "How has organizing the peace treaty going, any progress?"

Alura: "We are getting close"

Zor-El: "Don't say anything but the Daxamites are very stubborn. All they think about is what they want or what is good for them, instead of thinking what would be good for their people."

Kara: "Did you expect anything more from them?" My father laughs in agreement

Kara: "But, what have you guys said in the treaty, what will be the rules, etc."

Alura: "The High Council and I are trying to find a way to unite our worlds in a way that both sides agree on, but we have not found the answer yet."

Kara: "Well, I hope that soon you will find it"

After a minute or two, Mon-El and his parents join us. Today, before I came down for breakfast I had called Del-Or so we could meet, this time alone. The only thing I left out was that Mon-El would have to come with me. I finished my breakfast, so I went to my room and grabbed my things. I also let Mon-El know that we would be leaving soon.

I waited at the door for Mon-El. He was taking a while so I went to the living room and I started to write in my journal. I hope that he won't catch me like yesterday. I write about that has happened these past 2 days. I then put my journal away just in time because Mon-El came downstairs.

Kara: "Are you ready to go"

Mon-El: "Yea, where are we going today?"

Kara: "To this Cafe that is near the market places in Argo."

Mon-El: "So, who is coming today. Thara? Lir-Al?"

Kara: "Actually, Del-Or and only him. I guess this will be step 2, hanging out alone."

Mon-El: "You sure I can come, he probably won't like it."

Kara: "Who said you were going to stay sitting with us. You'll be in the same place just not near me and him"

Mon-El: "What am I supposed to do, I don't know anything about this planet"

Kara: "If you want we can buy you a book"

Mon-El: "I don't like reading that much, but what other option do I have"

Before we go to the Cafe, we head to the bookstore that is a few minutes away. It took awhile for him to choose a book, but when he finally did, I quickly bought it and then we went to the Cafe.

Kara: "Why don't I go in first and then after a few minutes, you come in."

Mon-El: "Sure"

Kara: "Good"

I walk in to the Cafe and I see Del-Or there waiting for me.

Kara: "Del-Or, hey"

Del-Or: "Hey Kara, so how are you"

Kara: "Good, I'm good, what about you"

Del-Or: "Good, so why did you want to hang out?"

Kara: "It's that, we barely even get to hang out just me and you, so let's catch up"

Del-Or: "Okay"

We start talking and then a few minutes later, Mon-El comes in and then he sits at a table across from the one I am at. He starts reading the book we got but every now and then he looks over to me.

A couple of hours pass of just Del-Or and I talking. After that Del-Or leaves to go home, so I got Mon-El and went back home. My parents told me that nothing new has been done about the treaty.

Del-Or and I start hanging out alone for about 2 more days. One day, we were now talking for about 4 hours. Mon-El hadn't I think now it is almost time for me to leave so I try to end the conversation by starting step 3, ask him out.

Kara: "So, Del-Or, I need to confess about something."

Del-Or: "What is it"

Kara: "For the past few years that we have known each other, I have liked you. And I can tell that you might also like me, so will you go on a date with me?" Del-Or then starts laughing. My smile slightly turns into a frown

Del-Or: "Me, date you?! That is hilarious Kara. I've never had those feelings for you, I'm actually already with someone else."

Kara: "Oh, sorry then" My eyes start to tear up. He just continues laughing at me. "I'm gonna go."

I start running home, and to make things better, it started raining. By the time I got home, I was completely drenched. I snuck into my house and I went directly to my room. I changed out of my wet clothes and then I got into bed and started crying. The thing that hurt the most was not even the fact that he rejected me, it was that he laughed at me. I didn't know how much time had passed but then I got a knock at my room door. I didn't answer it because I didn't want anyone seeing me like this. Then the door opens and Mon-El walks into my room. He sees my red puffy eyes and then he looks at me confused. Mon-El then walks over and sits on the foot of my bed.

Mon-El: "What's wrong"

Kara: "Why are you asking, it's not like you care"

Mon-El: "I don't but I'm curious. So, tell me. Is it because of Del-Or, are these happy tears because it doesn't seem like it."

Kara: "He rejected me, but that is not the worst part, he laughed in my face. He also said that he is already with someone else. He treated me like I didn't matter, Del-Or might even be worse than you."

Mon-El: "I'll take it as a compliment (That made me laugh) I can't say that I haven't done something similar, but what he did is incredibly horrible, he doesn't deserve you."

Kara: "Thanks, but you should go now. I think you have reached your kindness limit for today."

Mon-El: "You know, I'm not as bad as you think I am."

Kara: "Yea right, so your going to tell me that you aren't a boy that goes to parties every night. Who has a huge ego and is terribly rude. Who brings a different woman home each night, and then kicks them out the next day, treats them like they are nothing special. Am I wrong?"

Mon-El: "You're right, I am all those thing. But I didn't really choose this life"

Kara: "You might've not chosen it but that doesn't mean you had to continue with it. And who "chose" this life for you?" I say air quoting chose

Mon-El: "My parents."

Kara: "Oh"

Mon-El: "Yea, well I came in here to tell you that dinner is ready and we should go downstairs"

Kara: "Okay"

I go downstairs with Mon-El. I sit in my spot and start eating.

Kara: "So has there been any progress in organizing the peace treaty?"

Alura: "We are still figuring out the final details"

Rhea: "Yes, I have an idea but you Kryptonians don't agree with me"

Alura: "We don't agree because the idea would be wrong, it is forceful"

Rhea: "But it would be for the greater good of our two planets"

Zor-El: "We will discuss it more tomorrow, but now let us just eat dinner."

Lar Gand: "Rhea, Mon-El and I will be leaving tomorrow night, so let us enjoy this."

*under my breath I whispered* "Thankfully"

I could tell Mon-El heard me because he laughed a bit. I was glad that he was finally leaving, he might have been a little nice to me but I still hate him, it doesn't change who he is or what he has done or still does. After dinner, I went back up to my room and did my nightly routine. I then fell asleep. 

Author's Note-

Thank you for reading. I hope you liked this chapter. 

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