Stole My Heart - Chapter One

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"Baywee! Can we pweeeaassseee eat outside?!" my little brother Alex asked as he looked at me with his big brown eyes full of hope. I couldn't help but smile at him. He was dripping wet in his swim trunks and had a big cheesy smile on his face. "Okay" I reply. "But you have to bathe first!"

"Awww, how come?"

"Alex, you just got done swimming! You need to shower to get all the icky chemicals out."

"And then we can eat outside?"

"I promise baby." I confirmed, using my nickname for him. He's not such a baby anymore though. At three years old, he was already over half my height.

I quickly bathed my baby brother, and got him into his favorite Buzz Lightyear pajamas.

"Okay Baywee! Let's go eat outside! ....Wait, what's for dinner?"

"Your dad brought us tacos baby!" I always made sure to say "your" dad. He wasn't mine. I have a dad, and I'm proud of him. Alex and I just had the same mom. Nevertheless, I have always treated Alex like a little prince. This child was my heart and soul. I don't know what I'm gonna do without him after I graduate.

"Come on Baywee!" Alex snapped me back into reality. Well, no need to worry now. I'm barely starting my senior year Monday. With 3 AP classes, 2 sports, and countless extracurriculars I was already dreading the year.

We walked outside together and set up our dinner table in our gated courtyard, that way I could eat in my bikini and no one would stare at me. I didnt feel like changing yet, it was a lazy day. As we ate, I felt it was too silent. I don't do good with silence. I'm definitely a loud person. I did what I always do in times of needed noise. I grabbed my iPod and started blasting the first song that came to mind.

"You're insecure, don't know what for..." filled the air and a huge grin flashed across my little brothers face.

"Dance with me Alex!"

I pulled him out of his chair and we danced as he sang along to the chorus. I had taught him to love the boys, almost as much as I did. Haha, who am I kidding? No one loves One Direction as much as me! The boys are my life, and everyone knows it. I can't wait for them to come to LA so I can meet them! And from what I've seen on Twitter, they should be here soon...

As I was dancing around carelessly, I heard a loud noise but I didn't pay much attention to it. I was busy getting lost in my husbands' voices with my brother. It's only when I hear footsteps nearing the gate that I turn the music down. Who could it be? When the footsteps finally stop at my gate, I turn around and I'm in shock. I drop my towel, accidentally revealing my striped bikini.

"Well, we definitely picked the right house to come ask for help." a curly brown haired boy says, with a face I know way too well.

Oh crap, One Direction is at my front gate.


A/N I want to start off by dedicating this to MinnesotaAnonymous. She's so sweet, and you should all go check out her fanfic "Take Care"! Its gonna be great! So, how'd you like the first chapter?! I'm going to post the second chapter now, and the third a little later. Keep reading for all the DRAMA. And see who is going to fall for Baylee, despite every attempt not to! If you like it, PLEASE comment, vote, and fan me! I WILL fan back! Thank you for reading darlings! I love ALL my readers! Oh, and for those of you who don't know what AP classes are, they're basically college level classes that you can take in high school. At the end of the year, there's a REALLY long test and if you pass it, you get college credit for that class. Bye guys!!

Love, HungryLikeHoran <3

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