Stole My Heart - Chapter 14

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A/N: Hey guys!! How's everyone's week?! Mine's going alright! I'm still super busy with school and stuff! But guess what?! I dunno if any of you guys know Foreigner. They sing that song "I Wanna Know What Love Is". They're going to be at the fair, and their manager called my choir director and we're going to go on stage and sing with them! It'll be fun! Plus, well, I'm assuming you guys know about the whole U.S. One Direction lawsuit vs. our boys from a while back? Well if you don't, pretty much, this band was called One Direction that came from the U.S. before our boys were formed so they were suing for their name but Simon gave them like a million dollars so they shut up and changed their name. Anyways, they're called Uncharted Shores now and they came to my school today and did a gig! I talked to the lead singer and he's hot. Then they tweeted me, it was pretty cool. :) But I made it clear I was a Directioner. They totally respected it! I'm done. I'll shutup now. Here's chapter fourteen!

Dedication: This chapter goes out to ChainsandDaisys! Go look at her amazing book! You won't regret it! Girl's got talent!



At this point, my best bet is Louis. He'll know how to cheer me up! He always cheers me up when I'm down! I walk down the hallway, approaching his room.

I knock on Louis' door holding my bag and my pillow pet.  He answers the door already in his pajamas.

"Oh! Baylee! What are you doing here?" he asks, surprised that I'm at his door.

"Can I sleep here tonight? I have no where else to sleep and I just..I just." I start to cry but Louis cuts me off.

"Oh well....ermm...Harry's here."

I stop sobbing and look past Louis' shoulder. Harry stands up from the couch and looks at me. I can tell he's been crying and I can't help but feel bad for him.

"Baylee...I'm sooo sorry. I apologize from the bottom of my heart." Harry starts walking towards me.

Louis steps out of the way so Harry has access to me, but I cross my arms and look away from him.

"You really screwed things up for Niall and I you know..." I refuse to look him in the eyes.

He gently tugs at my folded arms.

"Baylee. Can you please just forgive me?"

"For what you did?! No way! But...I guess I'm sorry for slapping you across your face." I say, finally looking at him.

"Yeah, that hurt really bad! I didn't. know you had it in you, you little firecracker." We both start to laugh, but I stop because I still don't want to forgive him. Harry stops laughing too and holds out his arms for to hug him and I sigh, defeated.

"Oh alright." I say, smiling and hugging him.

"I'm sorry." he whispers in my ear.

"Me too."

"Awwww!!" I hear Louis speak for the first time since I'd laid eyes on Harry in his hotel room.

I pull away and frown at Harry again.

"I'm still pissed at you though." Harry offers me a cheesy smile, but I scowl at him and turn to Louis.

"So can I please sleep here tonight?"

He nods his head quickly and I walk in his hotel room and sit on the couch.

"I'll sleep on the couch." I say, patting the couch cushion.

"Are you sure? You can sleep on my bed and I'll take the couch." Louis replies, giving Harry a pat on the back as his hint to leave. Harry doesn't seem to get it, and stands there observing all that's going on.

"No, you're already letting me stay in your hotel room. I'm not going to take your bed."  I don't hear a reply so I look up at Louis then Harry. Louis is staring at Harry.

"Haz, what are you still doing here?" Louis jokingly asks. Harry snaps back into reality and shakes his head slightly.

"Oh...Oh yeah...I should be leaving." he says, walking out of the hotel room.

"Night Hazza! Love you!" Louis screams out of the hotel door before closing it. He walks over tot he couch and takes the seat next to me, putting his arm around me in the process.


"Yeah?" I ask, already knowing what he's going to ask.

"I know you hate people grilling you, but what happened between you and Niall?"

"Wait, Harry didn't tell you?" I ask, confused.

"Well...yeah he did. But I'd like to hear your side of the story."

I take a deep breath before explaining everything. I even tell him how I had pretended to be asleep and overheard Niall saying how much he loves me, and about what had happened the night he took me to see the movie. I spilled it all out.

"Wow..." Louis almost whispers as I finish telling him everything.

"Harry did screw up a lot. I know, it's all crazy. I know you feel ashamed of yourself. Look Baylee...I know it will be hard getting Niall to listen to what you have to say, but when he does decide to listen to you...tell him everything you told me. Tell him how you feel. I know it may sound silly, but boys like hearing that kind of stuff from girls too, and I know Niall is crazy in love with you. I can see it every time he looks at you. Just trust me, you guys will work out."

I'm in utter shock. I never thought Louis would be the one to listen to me, to give good advice, to be serious.

"Bu- do I tell him? I've never had feelings like this for anyone else before. What if I screw up?" I ask him.

Louis looks back at me, smiling, with no reply.

"What?" I ask.

"When the time comes, you'll know what to say and when to say it." he finally says, grabbing my leg and getting up.

"Well, I'm going to head to bed. Good night Baylee." he says while walking to his bed.

"Night Lou." I reply, smiling.

I lay down on the couch with nothing on my mind but Niall.

"I have to fix this." I think to myself. I get up and head to Niall's room. I hop on the elevator, and it seems to take forever. When it finally drops me off on his floor I feel my stomach fill with nerves. I knock on Niall's door but he doesn't answer.As I'm reaching the elevator I hear a soft voice call after me.


I turn around and Niall is standing outside of his hotel room, waiting for me to speak.

I begin walking towards Niall.

"Look Niall...I could try all day to convince you that nothing happened between Harry and I. I don't have feelings for him, he kissed me. But that won't change anything. So I'm just going to tell you how I feel about you. Remember the day we went to the zoo and you carried me upstairs and thought I was sleeping? Well I wasn't, and I just want you to know that..." I hesitate before I continue.

"That...I heard what you said about me being your princess, and about how much you love me. I just wanted to say that I feel the same way. I love you, and when I say it I mean it. I could never love anyone anymore than I love you. I finally found my prince." I look up at Niall and he seems to be in total shock. I didn;t realize it but as I was talking to him, tears had started to roll down my cheeks. I wipe them away.

"Goodnight Niall." I say, and then walk away, ahppy for once tonight. I'm happy that I finally told Niall how I really feel. Louis was right. I go back to Louis' hotel room, lay down on the couch, and fall asleep with a smile on my face.


A/N: I promised I'd upload a new chapter tonight. I'm sorry it's short but I've explained my life is extremely busy right now. Sunday is the last day of the rosary so you can expext longer chapters after that. I really hope you all have a good night and are safely tucked away in bed. I need to get rest, I've got a homecoming skit to dance in tomorrow! I love you guys! Night! :)


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