Stole My Heart - Chapter 23

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A/N: Okay, so bear with me guys. This is going to be rather long. But I won't lie to you guys. RIght now is a very dark time in my life. I just spent my first thanksgiving without my mom. She....She passed. The doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong. I don't really like letting my emotions out, but there ya go. You know, she and I didn't always have the best relationship but I loved her. She was an older version of me, which is probably why we got into a lot of arguments. We were both EXTREMELY stubborn. But Id take it all back if I could now. I really would. I know she's looking out for me in heaven though. All I ask if for patience and prayers. I promise you I'm updating as much as possible, right now is just really hard for me. And to all of you who have stuck with me through this, sent me your positive thoughts and prayers, thank you. You all have a very special place in my heart. <3

Here's chapter 23.



I wake up on the boys private jet with Niall by my side, clenching my hand hard and tears running down his cheeks as he stares out th window. When he sees me open my eyes, he quickly kneels down to eye level with me.

"Oh Thank God! Oh my goodness! Are you ok?" He asks frantically.

I look around, dazed and confused.

"What happened" I ask pretty groggily.

"You had an anxiety attack and just passed out!" he explains.

"Then how come I'm not at home?"

Niall looks down slowly.

"Your mom told me it happens all the time, and that I should just take you."

"Oh Niall! It's fine! It does happen all the time. Thanks for listening to my mom. I wouldn't want to miss a moment with you." I lean up and kiss him.

"No problem. I wanted you to rest for a few days, and then fly back, but your mom insisted.I had to listen to her! Not that I didn't want you to be here or anything." He says quickly, pecking me on the cheek.

"It's fine Niall, and thank you for respecting my mother."

"Wll, it's what you're supposed to do as a man and as your boyfriend."He says.

I'm not used to this. No guy has ever treated me or my family this good. He's so sweet!


When we arrive to texaas, it's burning hot. I immediately start to feel myself sweat, and it's honestly really disgusting. I throw on my jacket, hoping to cover up and save myself from embarassement.

"Why are you putting on more clothing?!" Niall asks me like I'm crazy.

I stare back att him like HE'S the crazy one, and he finally laughs and nods his head.

"Oh I get it!"

I roll my eyes playfully and grab my things.

Harry and I bump into each other while getting off.

"Oh, sorry!" I exclaim.

Harry looks down and drags his feet back.

"No it's fine. You're the lady. You go first." Harry says sadly. As I'm walking away he puts a hand on my shoulder.

"And Baylee. I'm happy you're feeling better." I turn around and pull him into a hug and hold him tight. He really is the only one that knows what I'm going through. Harry's still beat up about Maddy and he will be for a long time.

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