Stole My Heart -Chapter 22

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My life is over. I just lost my best friend. I didn't even get to tell her that I loved her too!

What am I going to tell Harry?

That's all that races through my mind, worry filling my insides. I conclude that I need to see Niall and head to his hotel, not caring that I look absolutely horrid. I just need Niall to hold me right now.

As I reach his door my nerves kick in. I'm nervous about knocking, but I do it anyways. Niall opens it and I can tell he's surprised to see me.

"Baylee!" He exclaims, hugging me.

"Why are you here? I didn't get a text from you?" He continues, pulling away from the hug. I ignore him and walk into his room. All the boys are already there. They stare back at  me and smile. I look over at Harry and his smile is so wide it must hurt his cheeks. Harry doesn't know yet, and it's killing me knowing I'm going to have to be the one to break that smile.

Louis interrupts my thoughts.

"So, we're leaving for the tour in two days, are you coming back with us?"

I look over at Louis, staying silent.

"Have you been crying?" Zayn says, studying my eyes.

Niall runs up and looks deep into my eyes.

"You have been crying. What's wrong?" He asks, his voice dripping with sympathy and concern.

"I need to talk to Harry for a moment." I say quietly, ignoring Niall's question.

Harry stands up rubbing his hands on his shirt.

"O- okay.." He says, walking to the door.

I start walking behind Harry, towards the door. Before I walk out, Niall pulls me back in and kisses my cheek, reminding me that I'm his. I sincerely try to smile through the pain, but I just can't. I close the door behind me, and Harry is standing in the middle of the hallway, waiting for me to talk to him. Before I'm able to speak, I hear the rest of the boys press their ears against the doors, trying to figure out what I have to tell Harry.

"Maybe we should go farther down the hallway." I say, walking past him and he follows me. We stop in front of an elevator and I feel myself start to shake uncontrollably.

"What's wrong Baylee?" Harry looks me in the face, a worried look in his eye.

"Harry, I'm so sorry but...but..."

"But what?" Harry asks, desperately wanting me to finish my sentence.


"Maddy what?!" He nearly screams, getting anxious.

I sigh and feel the tears streaming down my face once again.

"Look Harry, Maddy has had cancer for a while now."

"What? Is my love okay?!" He asks, panicking now.

"The only people who knew were her family. She kept it a secret from everyone, including me..." I trail off.

"Well is she okay?!" he full on screams, causing his voicec to crack.

I move in to hug him and we cry into each others shoulders. Harry pulls away after a few moments, holding my arms and staring into me with his giant green orbs, full of tears.

"Baylee...Please tell me she's alright." He says.

I shake my head, indicating that she's not okay and he startss to cry even more. I pull him back into a hug and whisper in his ear.

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