Stole My Heart - Chapter 12

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  • Dedicado a @superhumann1D

A/N: OK GUYS. So I just wanted to tell you all who have been reading a massive thank you. It really does mean a lot to me and warms my heart up like no other. I have three people lined up for dedications but you guys are all worth your own chapter. So if I don't give you yours now, you'll be getting it in the very near future. The three that I'm going to dedicate my next few chapters too really made my week better. It's been tough with the funeral and everything and seeing that you guys actually enjoy my story really made me happy. So, without further ado, I dedicate this chapter to @superhumann1D. You should all go follow her on Twitter. She's extremely nice and really boosted my confidence today. So if your reading this, thank you from the bottom of my heart. :)




Baylee grabs my hand and I find myself being dragged up the stairs. Well, I guess we're going to the zoo today. I don't mind it, I actually will enjoy having a day with just her. She opens the door quickly and gets dressed into some comfortable clothes. I throw on a fresh shirt, some khaki pants, and a white pair of Supra's. I'm ready, so I look to see if Baylee is ready too. I find her about to put on her makeup and I can't help but roll my eyes and sigh. She must have noticed because she looks my with with an inquisitive look on her face.

"Whatttt?" she asks.

I choose the honest route.

"I just really don't like it when you wear makeup. Honestly, you look prettier without it. It just covers up your gorgeous face. I know I say this all the time, but please, no makeup today?"

She smiles at me and kisses my cheek; I've won the battle once again.

"Okay babe, just for you." she tells me.

I sit on our bed and watch as she gathers the things she needs and sticks them in her purse. Once she finishes I stand up, grab her hand, and lead her to the elevator. When we finally reach the car, I open the door for her and get in myself afterwards. The drive to the zoo is rather short; Man, everything is so condensed here.

We get to the zoo and Baylee pulls out her wallet once again.

"Princess, what do you think you're doing?"

"I'm paying for us Niall. A relationship is a two way street, ya know."

"Yes, I agree babe. But you know I won't let you pay."

"Please Niall?" She gives me the puppy dog eyes and I roll mine in response.

"In any other argument I'd probably give in, but not this time. As long as you're with me, you won't ever pay. I won't ever let you. Get used to it princess." I smile at her and kiss her on the nose.

She sighs and I know I've gotten my point across. I walk up to the admissions booth.

"Yes, for how many?" the slightly grumpy looking, balding man asks me.

"Ermm...two adults." I do the math quickly in my head and hand him the necessary money. He gives us a stamp on our hands and we enter the zoo, hand in hand.

Right away, we're surrounded by young children. A little boy who looks to be about the age of five trips near my feet as we're making our way towards the exhibits. I quickly grab his hand and help him up, making sure he is okay.

"You alright lad?" I ask the small child.

He nods, smiling, and runs off quickly. I catch Baylee looking at me with a smile plastered on her face.

Stole My Heart (A One Direction Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora