Stole My Heart - Chapter 10

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Baylee's POV:

When we arrive to the arena, I hurry to find a bathroom to clean my eyes. I walk into the first bathroom I find and wipe the remaining tears from my eyes. Tonight is the boys' night. I refuse to mess it up.

When I walk back to the arena, all the boys are in their dressing rooms sitting on the couch. Everyone seems to be talking but Niall, who seems to be playing a few short chords to "Torn." As I watch him, he occasionally looks up and chats with the other boys. I sit down beside him, and ask "How do you do that?" fascinated by his skills.

"What? Play the guitar? You want to learn?!" he says, removing the strap from around his shoulder.

"Here, go sit in a stool. It's easier to play with a non restricted back." he says, gesturing to the chair.

I sit on the stool and put the guitar strap around my shoulder. I pluck a few random strings. not having any idea what to do. I feel Niall come and stand behind me.

"Okay, so here's what you do. You put your hands like this, he says, placing his arm around mine and puts my fingers in the right place. As he begins placing my fingers in the right spot, he grabs my other hand and starts to strum. I look back at him and smile, and the tension between us rises as he smiles back and kisses me. As the kiss grows stronger, he takes the strap off of me and I stand in the middle of the room kissing Niall.

In the middle of our kiss, I hear a manly voice yell "Guys! 15 minutes!"

Niall pulls away, leaving me wanting more of his precious kisses.

"I gotta go love." Niall says.

Niall runs off to his dressing room and I stand there for a few seconds looking like an idiot, so I follow Niall into his dressing room. By the time I get there I walk in on Niall half dressed.

"Oh! Sorry!" I exclaim, as I walk back out.

I hear footsteps and feel Niall's soft hands grab mine.

"No. Stay here."

I awkwardly walk back into the room and sit on the couch as I feel my cheeks flushing. Niall goes back to getting dressed and pretends nothing ever happened. As I watch him put on his pants, I can't help but notice how toned Niall really is. Niall notices me looking at him in the mirror because he stops getting dressed. He turns around and tackles me to the floor out of nowhere. I roll around on the floor with him for a bit, until I manage to get on top of him and pin his arms to the floor..

"I win!" I brag.

"No I let you win!" Niall defends himself.

"Yeah rig-" Niall cuts me off midsentence with a kiss.

I pull away and Niall gives me a confused look, and asks "Why did you pull away love?"

"Babe you have to go..." I get lost in Niall's eyes. I kiss him once more, and stand up.

"Come on Niall, get up."

"No." Niall says, stubbornly folding his arms across his chest.

"Come onnnn Niallllll."

A voice from outside the door yells "two minutes!"

"Ok!" I scream back, and then turn to focus on Niall again.

"Get uppp!!" I say, while tugging his arms, hoping to have enough strength to pull him up.

"Not without one more kiss!"

I shrug in defeat, and kneel to give Niall a kiss. I give him a peck on the lips and stand back up.

"No way! That was terrible!" Niall complains.

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