Confusion and Answers

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In a castle that was huge. In an office in the castle was an old looking man. He had snow white hair and beard. He had twinkling blue eyes. He always wore purple or blue robes. He had half moon specials. His nose looks like it has been broken one to many times. This was Albus Dumbledore.

There was a flash of white light and a man that looked like an older version of Harry and a woman with a blue haired baby, who was fast asleep. The James look alike held out to Albus a letter. The old man took it and it read:

Dear Albus Dumbledore,

I'm Harry James Potter and my wife Lyra Lily Potter nee Black. Our Godson Teddy Remus Lupin. We are from the future. I wanted to write you this letter because it's hard to tell out loud.

In the future we have another wizarding war thanks to Voldemort. So many people have died. Me and Lyra don't want to safe any more than that. It brings to many bad memories. We have come to make a better future for everyone.

We are sorry for appearing out of nowhere like we did. We will be searching for what we need to and will let you know how things are going.

From Harry James Potter and Lyra Lily Potter

Albus was shocked. It was rare to get time travelers. He looked at the small family before him and asked. "Have you come up with a cover story? If you tell anyone else then how?" Harry smiled and said back. "We have. I understand you are looking for a Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher and I would like to apply."

Albus smiled at this and nodded. "Every well. Do you have experience teaching?" Asked Albus. "Yeah. I tought a goop called the DA as in Dumbledore's Army back in our fifth year." Answered Harry.

Albus smiled and nodded. He had the same twinkle in his blue eyes like he always dose. Harry and Lyra smiled back. "I'm guessing you and your family will be staying here? I'll have a room prepared." Said Albus.

"Thank you Albus. We appreciate this." Said Lyra for the first time since arriving. "I'm glad to help." Said Albus.

"Blinkly!" Called Albus.

"Master Dumbledore called Blinkly?" Asked an Elf appearing.

"Yes. Can you prepare the DADA room and chambers? We have our new DADA teacher." Said Albus. The Elf nodded before diapering in a pop. Soon the Elf came back and took Harry and Lyra to there new room. It was nice. Harry left Lyra to look at Defense Against the Dark Arts books to use as the textbooks for the kids.

Harry Apprated and then was at Daigon Ally. He went to Florist and Bolts. He looked around and found a bookfor first years: the Beginners Guide To Self Defense, the Defense Spells Book for second years and for third years the Book of defense and offense. For fourth years How to battle practice. For fifth years the Book of Dangerous Animals and the Book of Curse's and How to Protect Yourself. For sixth and seventh years the books of Projecting yourself and the defense book of spells.

Harry took the names of these books and got Lyra a few Charms books. He payed and the Apprated back to the school gates. He than went inside and told Albus his books list and want back to Lyra. He found her playing with Teddy.

"How did it go?" Asked Lyra. Harry smiled and sat next to Lyra and said. "It went good. I got the book list all set. Albus though it was a great list. It will show the kids that I know my subject." Lyra smiled and gave Harry a kiss on the cheek. "That's great Harry." Said Lyra. It was then time for Dinner.

Harry, Lyra, and Teddy was introduced to Professor McGonagall, who told them to call her Minerva. Professor Flitwick, and Professor Slughorn, who told them to call him Horace. They had a good time. The travel over to this time tired out Lyra and Teddy.

Lyra left saying she was just tired from their journey here. She took Teddy and left for their room. She got Teddy ready for bed and then got him settled. The baby boy was soon asleep.

Lyra did the same. She layed down and was soon asleep. When Harry got back he checked on Teddy and then went to his and Lyra's room. He found she was already asleep. He smiled and got ready too. He layed down carefully and went to sleep.

In a few months the trim will start. Harry and Lyra were both excited and nervous.

(I hope you liked the chapter. I'll try to update soon. Comment or vote if you guys want).

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