Winter is here

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(Thank you for the support. Enjoy).


Lyra woke up and put on a pink sweatshirt and some blue jeans. She them put her hair in a French braid. She went to Teddy's room and woke him up. She helped him put on a white long sleeve shirt with blue jeans. She put on him red and blue sneakers.

She put Teddy in his high chair. He soon wouldn't need it. She put some eggs and a sippy cup in front of him. "Tank you." Said Teddy and he started to eat. "Your welcome. Teddy also was getting better at speaking. Harry soon came in and sat down. "Here you go Love." Said Lyra as she put some franch toast and bacon in front of Harry. "Thank you." Said Harry giving Lyra a quick peck on the lips.

Lyra sat down as well and they eat. Harry told Lyra about some of the things he wanted to teach the kids and she liked his ideas. Harry soon had to leave. He gave Teddy a kiss on the cheek and gave Lyra a kiss on her forehead. "Good luck." Said Lyra. She picked Teddy up and put him on the floor so he could play.

Harry Nodded and left. Lyra played with Teddy for a few before she went and started to do some research. They had gotten three of the Horcrux's. Harry destroyed them. They only needed to find two more. Harry would find them he didn't want Lyra near them. He also didn't want Teddy near then.

Lyra and Teddy had fun it didn't take long for lunch to come around. Harry came back and they had lunch in the room. "Harry do you want to tell Lily? I was thinking she has a right to know." Asked Lyra. Harry thought about it for a minute. He then nodded. You can tell her. I have a few things to do. I'll be back soon." Said Harry.

Lyra nodded. "K. Don't forget I have an appointment in a few weeks to see how me and the baby is doing." said Lyra. Harry smiled and nodded. "I won't." Harry gave Lyra a kiss on the cheek and gave Teddy a kiss on his forehead and left.

Lyra took Teddy to play in the snow. She watched him play for a bit. "Mrs. Gryffindor." Called a voice. Lyra looked over and saw Lily running over. "Hi Lily. It's good to see you well." Said Lyra. Lily nodded with a smile.

"Lily do you have time to talk some time soon? Asked Lyra. "Yeah. Can talk after I study with Remus." Said Lily. Lyra smiled and nodded. Come by and we can have tea." Lily nodded and she waved to Teddy, who waved back. Lily then left. "Ok Ted it's time to come in. We can have some hot chocolate." Said Lyra.

"Hot Chocolate." Said Teddy happily. He ran to Lyra and she picked him up and they headed inside. She was almost there when she saw James and Sirius running up to her. "Lyra can we talk?" Asked James. "We can come in we were just going to have some hot chocolate." Said Lyra.

She opened the door and they walked in. She closed the door behind her. She then made the hot chocolate and she gave a glass to everyone. "So what did you want to talk about?" Asked Lyra.

"Well, we wanted to know more about you and Harry." Said James. Sirius nodded. Lyra smiled and asked, "What do you want to know?"

"What is Harry Like. I mean he doesn't show much when we are here. I can tell he has a lot of love?" Asked James.

"Lyra smiled sadly and answered, "Harry has his secrets. He doesn't trust easy. He had a hard life with the Dursley's. It took Ron and Hermione awhile to get him to open up. Harry found it easy to talk to me. He told me everything. I didn't tell everyone. Not even our two best friends. I let Harry take his time telling them. He is sweet and kind. He will help anyone he can. He doesn't want anyone to feel alone.  Like he did.

Harry is a national on a broom. He loves to fly and the feeling he get's when he dose. Harry is good in Transfiguration like you James. Harry is also good in DADA. He dose want he can to help his friends. He thinks of all his friends are his family. He lives them all. He was happy when we started dating. He loved me from the moment he saw me." James and Sirius were smiling happily at all of this.

"Harry also knows how to do a good prank. Word of advice never make him mad. You will have pink or maybe green hair for weeks." Finished Lyra with a smile. "We will remember that." Said James and Sirius. That would be funny and also embarrassing.

"What about you?" Asked Sirius.

Lyra smiled sadly again. "I lived with Remus since I was a baby with what happened with dad. Mum died from a death eater attack. I never knew mum but heard lot's of story's. I loved Ancient Ruins and Charms. I had a good life. I missed my parents but other then that I was mostly happy. I was goood friends with Neville and I made good friends with Hermione on the train. We all became friends at Hogwarts. I am sweet and kind. I can have a pranking side to. Me and Harry only show it when we are mad or we want revenge on someone." Said Lyra.

James and Sirius nodded. They found that their kids are a good comanasion of both of them and the girls. With their own sides to them. "You and Harry have good sides and we are glad you had good friends to help you." Said Sirius. James nodded. "Thanks. Harry will be happy to hear that. He's off running some arenas." The two boys nodded.

Soon they left for dinner. Lyra and Teddy went back and Harry told them that the last two Horcrux's were gone and he just needed to kill Voldemort. They had to come up with ways to get him to show his face to them. Harry put Teddy to bed. They layed down. Soon they were fast asleep.

Lyra hoped that her talk with Lily will go well.


(I'll try to update soon. Harry and Lyra will have twins. One boy and one girl. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. Comment or vote if you'd like).

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