Meeting Lily

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(I don't own Harry potter. I hope you all enjoy).

It had been a few weeks after Halloween and Harry was doing good with DADA. He was a favorite with the kids. Harry was enjoying it. He grew to love teaching.

Lyra was having a good time herself. She loved having Teddy around and now she was going to have a baby. She went to ST. Mongo's for her checkups. Harry tried to be there every time. It started to get colder and colder as time went. Lyra had spent time with a few teachers when they had time. James, Sirius, and Remus loved to spend time with them. Harry and Lyra loved to have them around. Lyra was heading back to her and Harry's room from having tea with Minerva when she saw Lily in tires.

"Miss Evans? Are you ok?" Asked Lyra. Lily looked at Lyra and she ran up to her and hugged her. "Mrs. Gryffindor." Said Lily. Lyra knew something must had upset Lily. "Why don't we head to my campers and we can talk?" Asked Lyra.

"O-ok." Lily was able to get out. They soon arrived at Lyra's and Harry's room and Lyra said the password and they walked in. A house Elf was taking care of Teddy for Lyra while she was gone. "Thank you Daisy. You can leave." Said Lyra with a smile. "Daisy is glad to help." Said the elf happily. Daisy popped out.

Lyra then got some tea going and gave lily a tissue. "Thank you." Said Lily. "Your welcome. If you don't mind me asking what wade you cry?" Asked Lyra. "Severus called me a Mud-blood. He was my friend. I can't believe he would call me that." Said Lily.

"I'm sorry he called you that. Don't let what he said get to you." Said Lyra. She gotten up to get the tea. She gave a cup to Lily and sat down with hers. "If you need to talk to someone I'm always here. I have been called a Blood-trater my hole life. I know how that feels." Said Lyra. Lily smiled and said, "Thank you Mrs. Gryffindor.

Lyra smiled and said, "I'm glad I can help." They talk for awhile and then Lily left. It was soon time for dinner. Lyra and Teddy left and they walked there together. Lyra would tell Harry about Lily before they went to bed.

Dinner went good. Lily looked a lot better then before. Lyra helped Teddy get the food he wanted on his plate and he started to eat on his own. Lyra and Harry were glad to see this. This is how thangs went. Harry had fun teaching and Lyra had fun playing with Teddy and having tea with Minerva or Lily. Harry was glad Lyra helped his mother. He disliked Severus more after this.

Harry didn't let it affect how he treated the boy. Harry didn't want to be like Severus. Lyra agreed with Harry. She was glad that Harry wasn't going to take his anger out on Snape. Like Snape did with Harry. Lyra soon finished her dinner and gave Harry a kiss on the cheek and took Teddy back to their room.

She put Teddy to bed after putting him in a light blue tee shirt with red pants. Lyra was reading a book. She loved to read about what was knew in Charms. She heard Teddy crying after it was getting close to lunch. She got Teddy up and left. She saw Lily was walking to the Great Hall.

She smiled. She walked up to Lily and said, "How are you doing?" Lily smiled back and answered, "I'm doing better. Thank you for helping." Lyra nodded and said, "I'm glad. I hope you get to feeling better." Lily smiled and nodded.

They went their separate ways when they walked into the Great Hall. Lyra liked Harry's mother. She was sweet and kind. She had some of the same likes as Lyra. Harry was glad for this. Another good thing is that Lyra was also getting close to Marline as well.

With it getting colder Lyra and Harry started to get each other presents and they got things for Teddy. Remus loved to come by and see Teddy. He had fun playing with the kid. James and Sirius thought the same.

Harry and Lyra loved being in the past. They did miss their friends but the future would be better. They hoped anyway. Harry and Lyra loved they could see their parents. This helped them.


(I hope you liked the Chapter. I will update soon. Comment or vote if you want).

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