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(I don't own Harry Potter).


Lyra woke up and it was Christmas day. She smiled and she got up. Harry soon followed her. She put on a light red sweatshirt with black jeans. Harry put on a blue tee shirt with black jeans. They left their room and Lyra went to get Teddy.

They had a good breakfast. They then opened their presents. Teddy got lot's of new toy's and he got a few knew clothes. He loved them. Harry got a few prank prodecs and some books he has been wanting. Lyra got some books she wanted and a new diary.

They invited their friends over and they had a fun time. They went to the Great Hall and had a good Christmas dinner. They spent the rest of the day playing and talking. Harry, Lyra, and Teddy loved it. They got to spend Christmas with their family and friends.


The next day Lyra and Harry left Teddy with Lily and her friends and left for another apontment with a Healer. Stella Lyra's Healer told them that the baby's will be do in March. They were excited. Stella also told them that they could find out the gender of the baby in a few more weeks.

Harry made another apontment for a Friday and they left. Lyra and Harry told Lily, James, Sirius, Remus, and Minerva. They were all excited. They couldn't wait for the baby to come. Lyra was getting bigger. Harry wanted her to stay in bed. She could get her something to eat if he wasn't there but he wanted her to just get up less she has to.

Lyra sighed but did what Harry asked. Her feet hurt and she got tired often. She was resting on the couch when Harry came in with James, Sirius, Lily, and Remus. "Hi. What brings you all here?" Asked Lyra. "We wanted to see how you were doing." Sirius answered her. Lyra smiled and said,"I'm fine. My feet hurt but I'm good."

"I'll get you a pain relever." Harry said before he went to the bath room and came back with a potion. He gave it to Lyra and she took it. Teddy walks over to Harry and hugged his lag. "Hey there Teddy." Harry said with a smile as he picked him up. "Uncle Harry." Teddy said with a big smile.

Lyra smiled and said, "He missed you." Harry nodded and held Teddy. "Can I?" Asked Lily. Lyra smiled and said, "Of course." Lily gently placed her hand on Lyra's stomach. She got a look of awa on her face when she felt a small kick. "Wow." Said Lily.

"It was like that with me to." Lyra told them. Harry nodded his head. He saw it a few tomes. "So did you get what you needed?" Lyra asked Harry. He nodded. "Yeah. I got a few good things. I also got this for the baby's." Harry told them. He held up two small Stag and star toy's.

"Harry they are so cute." Lyra said with a smile. She took the toy's from Harry and looked over them. Lily joined Lyra. Harry chuckled and said to James, Sirius, and Remus. "You'll have to get use to that." Harry told the boys.

James, Sirius, and Remus nodded. Remus was nervous. Sirius was just not looking forward to it. James he smiled as he watched Lyra and Lily looking at the toy's. He knew him and Lily would do good. He just hoped Lily would come around soon.

They talked for a few more minutes before James, Sirius, Remus, and Lily left. They had to go get dinner and then Lily and Remus was going to go study in the library. Harry made them some chicken strips with a saled.

They eat and Lyra was a sleep in bed an hour later. Harry put Teddy to bed and he layed down as well. Harry had a good day. He was glad he and Lyra got to spend time with their parents and they got to see then happy and care free. It was a nice thing to see for them.


I hope you enjoyed. I'll update soon. Thank you for reading. Comment or vote if you'd like).

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