Halloween and Learning

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I am sorry for the wait. I hope you all like the chapter.

Lyra and Harry were doing good. When Harry didn't have classes he helped Lyra with the kids. Lily and Marline came by to help sometimes.
Sirius and James came by as well. Remus came with them and sometimes with Lily and Marline.

Lyra was teaching Teddy to read and wright. She also tought him math and a few other things. Harry helped by teaching Teddy the basics of Magic and helping him to just learn what magic could be used for and what you can do to help with it.


With Voldemort gone things had calmed down. Harry was good at teaching. He was now a permanent teacher and Lyra and Teddy were happy for him. They also were happy that Harry could teach. It was something Harry started to love.

Harry loved teaching. He never thought he would but he did. Both Harry and Lyra missed their friends and time a lot. They didn't think about it for to long. They didn't want themselves to.

Right now Harry didn't have classes and was watching the twins and helping Teddy with his math work. "You are almost done Teddy. You can play for a few before dinner." Said Harry.

"Ok." Said Teddy happily. He did the last three problems and he gave his paper to Harry who took it and let Teddy play till dinner.

Harry kept watch on the kids as he read over Teddy's work and the others from his classes. Lyra was getting some sleep because she was tired.

It was a few more minutes and Lyra came out and started to make dinner. Harry helped by setting the table. Teddy wanted to help as well. He put the cups on the table with the help of Harry.

It wasn't much longer before the food for Lizzy and Sirius were ready and Harry helped feed them. Lyra then brought the food for her, Harry and Teddy. Lyra helped Teddy cut his meat and then let him eat. Once Harry was done with feeding the twins and had put them down for their nap after getting them ready for their nap.

They sat down to finally eat. Lyra still had a few mood swings every once in awhile. Lyra was happy that Teddy was doing so good. He felt more grown up and he was happy about it. After dinner Lyra got Teddy to play quitely so Lizzy and Sirius could sleep.

Lyra then just relaxed. She was still really tired. Harry told her to go and get ready for bed and let him put Teddy to sleep. She was too tired to say anything and agreed and said goodnight to Teddy before she went to get ready for bed herself.

Teddy understood that Lyra was tired from taking care of the twins and he didn't try to get into trouble. He didn't want to give his uncle or aunt anymore trouble than what they already had.

Harry was happy that Teddy understood this. He was glad that Teddy was smart like his father. After a few more minutes Harry helped Teddy get ready for bed. After that he told the boy a story.

Teddy soon fell asleep and Harry kissed him good night before he left. He checked on the twins before he went to his and Lyra's room. He saw that Lyra as already fast asleep. He smiled softly and quietly got changed and layed down gently as to not wake her.

He didn't take long to fall asleep himself. He was happy with the little family he had here and he wouldn't trade it for the world.


I'm again sorry for the wait. I'm glad you all like the story so much. I will try to update again soon. I will try to update tomorrow. Thank you for the support.

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