Chapter 3 Class and Confrontation.

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Astrid and Bella go to their lockers to get their bags, "What class do you have next Bells," Astrid asks.

"Biology, you?"

"Anatomy," Astrid answers.

"Why couldn't you take biology with me?"

"Because I took it over the summer, and because Anatomy is more interesting," Astrid explains.

"You're just taking that so you know where you can do the most damage on someone without killing them," Bella tells her baby sister.

"Noo," Astrid says innocently.

"Yes you are, savage."

Astrid laughs and hugs her sister. "No, really I'm not but if the knowledge comes in handy so be it."

Bella laughs and hugs her sister one more time, "Okay I'll see you in the office after school."

"Okay, and if anyone is mean to you, tell me and I'll kick their ass," Astrid says as she lets go of her sister and walks off.

The girls walk off in different directions, Bella to Biology and Astrid to Anatomy with a class full of Seniors. She walks into the classroom and makes her way to the teacher so that he can sign her slip. Once he signs it he gives Astrid her textbook and tells her to take a seat in the only spot available. When Astrid turns to face the class, she sees that the spot is right next to Emmett Cullen.

Astrid sighs and makes her way over towards her assigned table, Emmett smirks at her and Astrid puts on a fake smile. She takes her seat and pulls a notebook and pen out of her bag and begins chewing on the pen cap. Emmett turns to her and introduces himself.

"Hi, I'm Emmett Cullen."

Astrid lolls her head to the side to look at Emmett, then looks forward again. Emmett frowns, he expected Astrid to be nervous around him, maybe a bit awestruck and intimidated by him. He was not expecting her to look bored and completely uninterested, Emmett tries again.

"And you are?"

"Astrid, now shh and let me concentrate."

"On what, the class hasn't started yet."

"On ignoring you, now please be quiet."

Emmett looks at her, shocked. Was she really trying to ignore him, Emmett starts laughing.

"And why do you want to ignore me, Astrid?"

"Because I can already tell you're going to be annoying, so I want to get a head start."

Emmett starts lets out another booming laugh, Astrid turns to him,

"See what I mean, annoying."

Emmett chuckles and puts his hands up in surrender, "Okay, I'll try not to annoy you, but can we try to get to know each other? I mean we are going to be lab partners for the rest of the semester."

Astrid rolls her eyes, "Fine, what would you like to know?"

"Where are you from?" Emmett asks.

"You mean you haven't heard, I thought the whole school knew by now."

"I tend to not listen to idle gossip."

"Fair enough, I'm from Phoenix, my sister and I moved here to be with my dad."

"Oh, you mean that girl you were sitting with during lunch was your sister?"


What's her name and is she old or younger than you?"

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