Chapter 16 Sister Vs. Sister

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Astrid and Emmett head inside and go up to the counselor's office. Astrid and Emmett discover Ms. Reilly is sitting at her desk doing some paperwork. She looks up when Astrid knocks on her door.

“Good morning, Miss Swan, Mr. Cullen. What can I do for you?”

Astrid and Emmett go into her office and sit down, “Ms. Reilly, I was wondering if there is any way I can test out of the eleventh grade and graduate with Emmett?”

Ms. Reilly scrutinizes Astrid for a moment. She knows that the girl has a genius IQ and frankly is quite surprised that she isn't in college already. She had often wondered why Astrid chose to enroll as a Junior, but then she saw the two sisters together and realized that Astrid didn't want to leave her sister behind. Something had changed.

“Has something happened, Astrid?”

“No, it's just that I'm bored and would like to move on to college as early as possible.”

Ms. Reilly gets on her computer and pulls up Astrid's records. She studies them for a moment then nods, “I can see why you're bored. You were in all advanced classes in Phoenix and at the top of your class.”

“Yes, Ma'am.”

Miss Reilly types in a few things on the computer then looks up at Astrid and Emmett, “Well, I don't see why you can't test out and move on to the senior class. You have more than enough credits to move on. So as long as you get Chief Swan's permission, I'll set up the tests.”

Astrid smiled and stood up, “Thank you, Ms. Reilly, I appreciate all the help.”

“You're welcome, Astrid. Oh, and once you've tested out, I'll change your schedule to the senior class.”

“Okay, I'll talk to my dad this afternoon.”

After leaving the counselor's office, Emmett noticed a difference in Astrid, “You seem happier.”

Astrid looked up at him and smiled, “I am. Now that I've decided to move on with my life and not wait for Bella, I feel a lot lighter. I don't want to be mean, but having to dumb it down to be with Bella was starting to get frustrating.”

“You're not going to miss your sister?”

“Well, yeah, but she hates me, and honestly I don't think that will change as long as she's with your brother. She's too obsessed with him.”

“You think she meant it when she said she hated you?”

“Yes, she meant it, Emmett. You didn't see the hateful look she gave me. All because I thought what your brother was doing was wrong.”

Emmett shakes his head. As they walk to Astrid's locker, they see that Edward and Bella are also making their way to Bella's locker. The girls stop and Bella glares at her sister. She takes Edward by the hand and goes to her locker to get her books. Astrid rolls her eyes and goes to her locker to get her books. Neither girl says anything to each other.

Edward and Emmett look at each other, ‘This is all your fault.’ Emmett thinks.

“I don't care,” Edward whispers back.

Emmett looks at his brother, not believing what he said. How could he not care that he was ripping two sisters apart?

“Because Bella is mine.” He whispers back.

Astrid grabs her books, puts them in her bag then closes her locker without looking at Bella once. She turns towards Emmett and hugs him, “See you later, Big Guy.”

Emmett hugs her back, “Yeah, see you at lunch.”

Astrid nods then take toward her first class.

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