One frightful night

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Welcome to chapter 1 of the rewritten version of this story, there will be bigger changes in the upcoming chapters but only minor ones in this

Tw: Panic attack

Logan stood in his room. It was dark and cold. Unfriendly, just like him.

He couldn't believe how foolish he had been losing his temper like that during the latest discussions between the light sides. Of course they wouldn't take him seriously if he yelled like that. Not that they did anyway.

He opened his closet and took out one of his ties. He tied it as hard as he could until he had a hard time breathing. He imagined tying up his emotions the same way. No more emotions. Ever. He didn't need them anymore.

That's when he felt it. It was as if a shadow crept into his room. It became slightly colder and Logan could swear the lights dimmed a bit.

"You can get out already. Whatever you say I do not want to hear it" Logan said without looking at the side who'd entered.

"It's too late for that darling. I'm here and you aren't getting rid of me....Anxiety told me everything" Janus the snake like side of Thomas replied in a sly voice.

Janus walked close to him. Logan stood still with his gaze pierced to the hangers holding his ties up. He shuddered when he felt a gloved hand trail over his shoulders. His sharp fingers dug down into his shoulders. Lo grimaced when Janus leaned up, his mouth so close to his ear he could feel his breathe and whispered

"It must hurt never being listened too. Being told that your ways to help is wrong, that it's too cold. I have never felt that"

"I'm sorry Deceit but I do not feel hurt right now. I do not feel anything, I am logic" A light chuckle could be heard behind him.

"You're such a bad liar but I like you Logan. I'm a very nice person and therefore I'm willing to help you"

"I never asked for your help" Logan grabbed the other man's wrists and forced his hands away from him. He began to trudge towards the door "And I do not want your help eit-"

With a flick of a wrist Janus stopped Logan from talking so hard he stumbled backwards.

"Do you want me to shut you up every time you lie" He teased with a smile.

Logan rolled his eyes at him. His hand was clamped against his mouth. With forceful steps he walked up to Janus and harshly grabbed his wrist to pull him along with him.

The snake let out a dramatic gasp "Oh my! So foward! You charmer. But alas! I have a boyfriend I can't go with you!"

With a sigh Logan opened the door and signaled for the other side to get out. The silencing disapeared and he let out a gasp of relief when he was able to move his hand again "I am not interested in any of your trickery. Now could you kindly disappear out of my sight"

Janus flicked away a fake tear "Please dear call me any time you change your mind" He turned around and walked out the door. He waved him goodbye with a smirk "Bye logaaan"

Logan slammed the door shut in response and resumed to his morning routine. He had a long day ahead of him.


It was a familiar setting all 4 of them and their host in his living room. Roman laid sprawled out across the sofa, on the other side of the sofa was Thomas, Patton sat on the kitchen counter eating a freshly made toast and Virgil was practically glued to the wall next to the staircase. From what Logan could tell as he was standing in his usual spot next to the staircase Virgil disliked the topics the rest of them was discussing.

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