One time I somehow wrote romance aka the time Lo was gay while 80's music played

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Welcome to the eleventh rewritten chapter!

It was around 6 pm. Deceit was laying on the couch reading the book he'd stolen from Logan mere hours ago. It was very very boring and very very something that a side of logic would enjoy. A wonderful smell coming from the kitchen caught his attention instead.

As if hypnotized he walked over into the kitchen. Patton stood cutting up some carrots while softly singing along to a song that was playing on the radio. The songs changed depending on the mood of the side listening to it.

"This must be one of the worst things I've smelled" he said while bleeping to catch all of the smell.

"Thank you! It's my special chicken stew. I like to do it on cold days. It makes me feel like an old Romanian woman surviving the harsh winter by making soup to my children with melted snow....Also it has baby broccoli in it and baby broccoli is always a good thing"

"I don't prefer cucumbers"

Pat handed Janus a knife and told him to cut up the vegetables while he fixed the rice. Jan's first thought was to playfully pretend to stab him but then he realized playfully pretending to stab people was probably not the most normal or appreciated thing to do.

"Deeceitooo how long have you lived here now" He opened his mouth to answer but it was a rhetorical question so Patton continued "An entire month! 28 days and how many times have you eaten with us? 0! How can you know how much love I put into my recipes if you haven't tasted them?!? So tonight you eat with us alright"

"Sure" Janus muttered out with a sneer on his lips. Patton shone up into a grin and pulled him into a tight bear hug.


Roman was already sitting by the table when Patton carried the big pot of stew in and Janus sauntered in after him with the forks and knifes. There were only 4 chairs but the other two weren't there so Deceit sat down, if they're late they're the ones who have to drag extra chairs over. The dad sat down right next to Roman on the opposite side of the table so it looked like they were the liar's parents who'd come to scold him.

Right when Roman had began to bitch about having to wait for permission to eat Logan finally came down from the stairs and sat down next to the snake.

"Salutations Patton and Roman" There was a pause before he added "Deceit"

"Logan" The snake replied half mockingly.

"Can we eat now?" Roman asked to which Pat started shuffling rice onto his plate followed by everyone else except for the boring non eater Logan.

He didn't even drink anything, he just sat there. it was kind of creepy. Patton was in the middle of informing everyone on how awesome the new trailer for animal crossing looked. His habit of bouncing his legs when he's excited made the table shake.

Janus stayed quiet. The fear of ruining the dinner and in turn the entire infiltration with one word was too overbearing to speak. Out of the corner of his eye he saw that Logan glanced at him every now and then.

Virgil appeared out of literally no where like usual. He looked like he had just woken up and his eyes were barely open.

"KIDDO!!" Patton exclaimed.

"Mr. Raccon makeup!" Roman exclaimed (jokingly).

The emo did a peace sign towards them before reaching out towards the chair Janus sat on. When he saw that the dark side was there his whole expression changed into a mix of rage and fear.

"What are you doing here" Every word he said sounded like it had been dipped in poison.

"Oh hello Anxiety! My dearest and most trusted friend! I live here what's your excuse?" He put on his usual overly confident smile.

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