One surprisingly important fridge aka they are yearning Karen YYYYEEAArning

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Welcome to the fifthteenth rewritten chapter! The chapter title was made long before the Karen meme btw, I am truly an inventor

Tw: Physical abuse, threats of non-con kissing

Janus rose up into the dark side's living room after being cast out from the light sides. Rage was sitting on the couch with Envy cuddled up close to him. The anger was still burning up inside of him. He was going to make Rage feel as much pain as he'd put him through.

He walked towards the couch with clenched fists. Rage turned around and looked at him. With a snap of his fingers the anger disappeared and the bite marks stopped glowing red. All his energy seemed to disappear too as Janus stumbled forward and fell down on his knees.

"Why are you back so soon?" Rage stood up and walked over to the snake so he towering over him "Coming to tell us all about how you fucked up Anxiety?"

Envy shone up into an excited smile "Yes! Yes! How did you hurt him??? Did you poison him? Cut off his toes?? Sewed his mouth shut???"

Janus held onto the fabric of his pants so hard his knuckles whitened "I-I failed...The lighties cast me out"

Every line and vein on Rage's body turned pure red. Neither of them had ever seen him this angry. He grabbed onto the collar of Janus' shirt and pulled him up into the air before slamming him down onto the ground again.

"You WHAT!?"

Blood was filling his mouth and the entire room was spinning "Anxiety t-told them"

He let out a whimper when Rage kicked him in his ribs. Envy watched on. Tears were already rolling down his cheeks. He mumbled to himself about how that was his last chance and how he was stuck down here forever. He was stuck with Rage for forever.

"Is it really that fucking hard!?" Rage yelled at him "You just destroy them! They're nothing but an obstacle!"


"No excuses! You're just a useless liar!"

He sat down on top of Janus' waist so he couldn't escape. A sick grin formed on his lips as he cracked his knuckles. Even his fingertips were glowing red with anger. Soon Deceit couldn't tell the red in Rage's veins apart from the red blood on his knuckles.

It went on and on. At least an hour. At least until the only thing stopping Janus from passing out was pain.

"Say it" Rage growled out.

"It's not my fault. I'm the villain" Janus' head felt heavy in his hands strong grip "I'll do better next time. I'll do whatever you want" He just wanted to sleep.


Janus woke up 2 days later in a closet on the upper floor. He let out a soft wince when he tried to move. There was barely any of part of his body that didn't hurt. What confused him was that all his clothes had been taken off except for his underwear and that bandages had been sloppily wrapped around parts of him.

"Oh you're awake!" Envy exclaimed. He moved close to him. He sent him a bright smile while his eyes looked at every one of his injuries "I thought your brain had gotten scrambled and you'd turned into a vegetable or something"

"What happened?"

"Well Rage went all AAAHHHH and beat you up and then you were all passed out and you looked kinda dead and if you weren't dead I wanted to help you and if you were dead I wanted to dissect you so I dragged you up the stairs and into my room and some bandages were in here which I don't remember being here but it's awfully convenient so I won't question it!" Envy rambled out. He had a black eye "Oh and Rage also hit me for helping you but that's okay! If I tell myself it's just playful wrestling it hurts less!!"

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