One not very well hidden metaphor

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Welcome to the third rewritten chapter!

Logan reached out and touched the scales. The scales we're dry and smooth. Layers and layers of them was on top of one another. They felt oddly nice to touch.

Janus let out a low growl while smacking the other man's hand away. He held his hand over the part of his cheek that had been touched. He backed away even more, so there was more space between them while looking down into the uncomfortable matress. He held back a whine from pain.

"Get out" He hissed out. Cold miscolored eyes filled with anger meeting Logan's dark blue ones.

Logan thought, he realized that it probably wasn't nice to come into someones room and start asking them about their past without even knowing them. So he answered

"I wanted to thank you for helping Thomas calm down. Your technique was quite adequate" The other side shrugged, eyeing Logan's face throughly looking for lies. He had always had a hard time trusting people, he was the embodiment of lies after all. Sometimes he didn't even trust himself.

He pointed at the door "Get out" He repeated.

"I am sorry if I hurt you somehow" Logan replied without moving a single inch.

Janus squinted at him. He tensed up and his hands shook slightly. He waited for something bad to happen. The last time he'd been apoligized to was was too painful, apologies had to mean something bad. A few minutes went by as they looked at each other.

" scales...are quite sensitive...I would totally not appreciate if you didn't touch them" Janus finally broke the silence.

"Noted" Logan literally wrote it down in his notebook "Anything else I should know about your peculior anatomy like if you-"

Before he could let out an avalanche of questions Janus silenced him. He waited a few seconds before letting up the silencing. He was half sure Logan would actually try to dissect Envy if they ever meet.

"Thanks....I have been called in before by a 'light' side before. It wasn't nice at all" The snake muttered "You're all still idiots though"

"Exscuse you I am not an idiot! Please notice my necktie" He motioned for his necktie.

Janus tried to hold back a smile but ended up laughing at him. He quickly put his hand over his mouth to hide his laughter but Logan had time to catch a glimpse of his open mouth. He stared in fascination at him.

"Are you aware your saliva is green?? Are you poisonous???" He got so excited the notebook got slightly crumbled with how hard he was holding it.

"....I don't actually know...Maybe"

"Can I?" Logan's hand was already reaching out for him.

Janus frowned and slapped his hand away. He thought for a moment before a sly smirk spread across his lips and a growing plan planted itself in his head "Go ahead" He said in a sweet tone.

The nerd was quite possibly vibrating from excitement. He pointed at the bed until Janus sighed and laid down on his back. Logan summoned a plastic bag like one the police in police shows used and one of those sticks with cotton at the end. He made sure to only touch the human side of Jan's face when he carefully opened his mouth.

He counted the cracks in the ceiling while the other man shoved the cotton stick down into his mouth. While he had probably been in weirder situations this definetly made the top 5 lists. Hopefully it would be worth it in the long run, as long as his plan worked this would be wonderful first step.

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